Chapter 9: Tradegy

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm.

I have to get up for school. Today I'm feeling extremely lazy.

I get up and get ready. I changed into my yellow shirt with skinny jeans, and a white belt. I wore white converse and my hair was up into a half ponytail. I put on my eyeliner and mascara. I head downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning, Luna!" My mom spoke as I walked down stairs.
"Good morning." I answer.
I stood in front of the stairs and looked at the calendar, on my right, that was on the table right next to the stairs. It was Brian's Mother's death anniversary.

I should go pay my respects.

"Boo!" Michale jumped on me from behind.
"Ah!" I give a slight scream as a response to him scaring me.
"Good morning, Luna! Did I scare you?" Michael laughs.
"You sure did, Mike!" I also laugh.

We both sit on the table and have breakfast. Once we were done, we brushed our teeth and head out to school.

"Bye Luna!" Michael waved goodbye cheerfully.
I smile and wave back.

Once at school, I enter class.
"Luna! Good morning!" Kailey hugs me as usual.
"Good morning, Kailey." I respond with a smile.
"Luna, you need to hear this!" Jessica approaches me to tell me some oh her usual gossips. A lot of them are quite interesting.

Justin was sitting with his friends at the front of the class. He turns to look at me and smiles, then he waves.
"Good morning, Luna!" He yells from a distance.
I smile and wave back, but I did not say a thing. I'm not the kind of a person who yells across the classroom just to say hi to a friend.

I sit dawn on my desk and listen to Jessica and Kailey gossip about boys, celebrities, etc.

Class started soon after and they all sat down on their assigned seats.

School went by normally, although I still can't get accustomed to my growing senses.

School was over.

"Luna! We're gonna be hanging out with some hot boys. Do you want to come?" Jessica and Kailey ask me.
"I'm sorry girls, but I'm gonna have to pass." I respond.
"What? Why?" Kailey asks.
"I have something very important to do today."
"Oh. Well... maybe next time." Jessica spoke before pulling Kailey away.
"See ya, Luna" Jessica spoke from a distance.
I smile and then leave.

According to the weather, today might rain, so I brought an umbrella just in case.

I walk towards the cemetery to visit Brian's Mother.

"Hello, Mrs. Cardona. It's been a long time since I've last come here." I look at the stone in front of me.

"Are you doing okay...? We're all doing fine here. Brian has moved into college, and he's studying business. My Mom and Dad got divorced, but we're all hanging there." I speak to the stone with 'RIP Marisa Cardona' written in it.

"We really miss you." I continued.


"No! You are not allowed to go there."
"But Luna, and I really want to see it!"
"I said no."

I was standing next to Brian while he was trying to convince his mom to let him go see the transit of Venus. It was a rare event and we really wanted to see it.

Brian's mom kept saying no, and I was a little depressed by it.

We walked away from the kitchen, where Brian's mom was cooking.

"I'm sorry, Luna." Brian spoke to me.
"But I really wanted to watch it with you." I respond with tears in my eyes.

I was so little and honest to my feelings. I just wished I hadn't said those worlds.

Brian looked at me for a minute, until he finally said something.

"Lets go see it together."
"But your mom..."
"Don't worry about her. I have a plan." He interrupted me.
"Ok" I answered.

The next day was the big day. We met up at a big tree in the forest. One where we used to play at a lot. Back then, there was a forest, but now it's gone. People placed building there instead.

We went in the forest where there was a cliff. It was the perfect place to see the transit of Venus. We were we talking, but it somehow turned into playing around.

Brian had slipped and fell down the cliff, but he landed in a safely. However, the rock where he was standing on could fall anytime. He was in danger.

I panicked and didn't know what to do?

His knee and elbow were scratched and bleeding.

"Brian!" I could hear Mrs.Cardona calling for Brian.
I guess she found out Brian had left the house and she came looking for him.

"Mrs. Cardona!" I yelled to call her over here.
"Luna? Luna, where are you?" Her voice got closer and closer as she was calling out for me.
"Mrs. Cardona! Brian!... he...he..."
"What's wrong with Brian?" She finally found me.
"He fell down the cliff." I point to where Brian should be located at.

She quickly ran towards the cliff and looked down. Brian was there, bleeding and scared.
"Mom!" Brian yelled as he saw his mother.

"Don't worry Brian! I'll get you out of here. Just wait there."

"Luna! Go back to the house and call for help! I'll try to get him out of here."

"There's no time for 'but's. Just do it!" She yelled.
I nodded and left running as fast as I could.

I never knew what exactly happened after I left. All I know is that it was the last time I saw her.

Brian was saved by his mother. But, unfortunately, she died saving Brian.

I just wished I hadn't said 'those' words to Brian.
If I hadn't said 'those' words, Brian would've never fallen down that cliff, and his Mother would've never died on that day.

End of Flashback

"Luna?" A familiar voice spoke from behind me.


Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying the book! I'm really trying my best!

I apologize for any grammar mistakes.

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