And Then There Were Eight

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Overnight, the snow had melted, thawing the arena out. The trees once again were adorned with healthy green leaves, and there was a warm breeze blowing around. It was as if the arena had reverted back to the first day, except there were only ten tributes left alive. For the few that were alive, the springtime weather was a blessing. None of them would have to suffer the same tragic fate as Brinn did (although, only Kaye knew of this).

For Alexis, the warmth was the single greatest thing to happen to her since being thrown into this arena. The weather was pleasant, which meant that they could easily traverse the arena without worrying about exposure. And not to mention there were now only ten tributes left alive; the chances of her alliance getting sponsored were increasing with every passing moment. However, the time still wasn't quite right for the escape plan: ten was a good number, but Alexis knew that the sponsors would only care about her alliance until after the final eight. For a moment, Alexis' mind drifted to the Capitol, where their mentors would be trying to garner sponsors. She knew for a fact that two victors in particular would be doing all they could to get people to sponsor their tributes: Maia Kentner, and Elektra Sparke. Both victors had to deal with the fact that their best friends had been reaped. And even though Alexis had told Maia not to get upset about it (she did not let Maia know about the escape plan; Alexis knew that if Maia was aware, then once the tributes had broken out Maia would be tortured for information), she knew that Maia would be trying her hardest to get sponsors. And Alexis supposed it wouldn't be too hard to do; after all, she was a victor's kid. Alexis just hoped that Maia was not the one that would be sending the gift that would kick off the most drastic event to ever take place in the Hunger Games.

She looked out of the window, and saw the barren ground once more. Alexis was currently in the dining room, along with Xander, Rose, and Dixie. Rose and Dixie were eating. Xander was sat opposite Alexis, looking lost in thought. He ran his hands through his hair as he stared at the table.

"Something up?" Alexis asked. Xander looked up, seeming slightly startled. He adjusted his glasses.

"Nothing much," he said with a sigh. "It's just that I realised something."

"What?" Alexis replied. She wasn't sure whether or not to begin to speak cryptically in order to throw off the Gamemakers or not. Instead she waited for Xander to continue.

"Tomorrow will mean that we'll have been in this arena for an entire week," Xander said. "It just doesn't feel right, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Alexis said. She chose her words carefully. "It feels like only yesterday I was at the reaping, and now there are only ten of us left."

"Yeah," Xander said. He slumped over into his arms. "And it's gotten to the point where I feel more familiar with this house than my own." It was now that Alexis realised that Xander was trying to play the sponsors. She winked at him. The action was done before the Capitol would be able to notice. Xander lifted his head ever so slightly to show that he understood.

"Tell me about it," Alexis said. She leaned back in her seat. The sun began to shine through the window, the light catching her hair. She realised how filthy it was getting. But there wasn't much she could do about it, really. "District what? I was born and raised in this arena!" Xander laughed. Alexis couldn't tell if it was acting or genuine. She laughed along with him. She wasn't sure about her own laughter's authenticity either.

"But who knows?" Xander said. "We might be out of here sooner than you think." 

"Maybe," Alexis replied nonchalantly. "I guess it sort of depends on whether or not we get our asses in gear." 

"But we can't exactly do much at the moment, can we?" Xander countered. "Sure, we have a Career on our side, but we wouldn't even know where to begin."

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