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Kylee was awoken by the rumbling of the train: they had hit something on the tracks, no doubt about it. Like hell this was a smooth ride to the Capitol, as their disgusting escort had so delightfully put it. But what the hell did it matter: it was morning, which meant that they were fast approaching the Capitol. And then, oh, they would all be in for the time of their lives.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Kylee crawled out of bed, the plush sheets falling from her body. She had fallen asleep wearing her reaping outfit: a white tank top with a short black skirt. Who gave a damn about fashion when it was all about who could come off the most impressionable to the Capitol. And Kylee could safely say that she had left the biggest impression on the Capitol, based on her looks alone. It was definitely a different universe entirely than the pathetic pair from District 12 on the other side of the spectrum of tributes; they were both from the impoverished side of the district, sharing black hair and olive skin. The boy was about fourteen, and the girl seventeen, if her memory served her well. Their names were Derek and Gwen, respectively, and both of them walked to the stage sobbing. Pathetic; there was a reason why District 12 never won.

To some, remembering every detail about the tributes would seem a ridiculously stupid waste of time, but Kylee was smarter than that: to truly know how to take down the competition, she had to know them inside-out first. Observe every subtle cue; every facial expression. And then, winning the Games would be a piece of cake. She would waltz into the arena, and have the other tributes wiped out in a matter of days, coming back home a celebrity. And, for the added bonus, she would have a luxurious mansion all to herself; no more resorting to providing entertaining private evenings to generous men to sustain the pile of dirt she currently called home. Oh, it would be glorious. And the look on the face of the mayor when he saw the girl he banned from entering the upper class section of District 2 becoming one of the richest citizens: it would be priceless. Kylee smiled to herself as she pulled on a pair of running shoes, tying up the laces in seconds. She walked over to the mirror on the dressing table, and brushed her thick, curled dark hair, letting it frame her perfect  skin. A flawless appearance. The cameras would lap it up later today for sure.

A tapping sound reached Kylee's ears, and she snapped her head around to the silver door on the other side of her room: the escort, no doubt.

"Kylee, dear," he said in his grating Capitol accent. "Are you awake yet?"

"No, I'm in a deep sleep," she snapped back bitterly.


"No, you lobotomised pile of cosmetics. I'm up. I've been up for a while. And I'm coming to go get something to eat in a second, before you try and shove that down my throat." A harsh silence filled the air for a brief second, allowing Kylee to apply her lipstick in peace.

"Oh, okay then." Kylee heard the sound of the escort walking away, and sighed. Were there really human beings so stupid? Evidently so. And if that was a perfect example of the average Capitol citizen, then there would be a hell of a lot of insincere sweetness thrown around over the next couple of days.

Kylee gazed into the mirror one last time, and adjusted her hair again. Finally satisfied, she walked across the room, and up to the door. One swift turn of the handle, and it swung outwards, revealing the hallway of the train. Kylee walked along the red carpet without a second thought, entering the main dining car. The table was laid out with breakfast, but as to how anyone would be able to eat that much before it started to expire was beyond her. One possibility had crossed her mind, but it was so repulsing that not even the Capitol would go there. Whatever; it wasn't as if the food really mattered that much. Although...

Swiftly and silently, Kylee approached the table, and slid into one of the chairs. She grabbed what appeared to be a chocolate, and bit into it. A delicious juice melted across her tongue, sliding down her throat, exploding with sweetness. The rest of the chocolate was gone less than five minutes later. Satisfied, Kylee looked across at the others: there were the mentors, both middle aged, one man and woman, clearly past their prime. There was the escort, drinking something with a straw, and fluttering around. And then there was Dylan, who was eating some sort of meat, grinning madly to himself.

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