Above Expectations

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Nikki Hart, 15, District 10 Tribute

I sit on my bed, watching as the sun's first rays creep in. I let out a yawn, my lack of sleep obvious. I should have slept last night, today's the most important pre-games day; the private training sessions. I have to show the Gamemakers everything I know if I want a decent score. I hear our district's escort knocking on my door, telling me to wake up and get dressed, but I already am. I got up and ready several hours ago, unable to sleep any more. I open the door just as she's in the middle of calling my name.

"Well, Nikki. An early riser, are you? Excellent! If only the same could be said for your partner." She points to a door I assume is Hunter's room. "I'm sure you've heard my calling to him over the past few days. I'm sure I've never met someone that takes so long to wake up! Well, to be honest, I woke half an hour late today, but no one's perfect!" She bounds down the hall to the dining room. I don't think I have ever met anyone as strange as this woman in my life.

I walk into the dining room, and sit at the massive wooden table covered in food. Our escort grabs an apple before making her way to the bedrooms again, probably to try wake Hunter and our mentor again. I take some bread, and begin to eat at it. I'm still munching on the familiar food when suddenly, something sweet covers my taste buds. I've only tasted chocolate once in my life, but the taste is all too familiar. I take another bite of the blissful bread, tasting the chocolate centre again. Before I know it, I've finished it, and my hands are flying to a second piece. I clench it, and bring it to my mouth, devouring the delightful food.

"Slow down there kid. It's just bread, nothing special." I whip my head around and see our mentor standing in the hall. She walks over to the table, grabs something, and begins to eat away at it. I hear complaining coming from behind me now, and I see as our escort drags a half awake Hunter to the table. Hunter takes a glass of water, and slowly takes sips from it.

"So, what will you two be doing for the Gamemakers today?" Our escort asks, and Hunter's eyes shoot wide open. He obviously didn't realise that today's the private sessions.

"Well, I was thinking of showing them this elaborate trap I learned over the past few days." I say. I have actually been planning the best way to show anything I learned in training off to the Gamemakers.

"I'm going to try something with a sword. They love that sort of thing." Hunter says, more alert now.

"So, you've decided a strategy. Good." Our mentor says, munching on an apple. I finish off the sweet chocolate filled bread, and have a drink of water. We sit in silence for a while, before our escort looks at the clock.

"My goodness! Would you look at the time!" She begins handing our plates to the Avoxes, and moving me and Hunter out of our seats. "The private sessions begin in fifteen minutes!" She marches us out of the dining room, down the hallway, and into the elevator. She presses the button, then steps out as the elevator begins to close.

"I'll see you two this evening. Let's hope you get good scores!"

The door opens again, and we're in the training centre. But the various stations have been taken down, and various chairs lay about the room. I see the Careers on the larger sofas, joking about something or other, and the other tributes, sitting on single chairs as far away from the Careers as possible. I sit on one of the chairs, and Hunter pulls up next to me. We sit in complete silence. Hunter's staring at his hands, as if he's deep in thought. I see one of the elevators open, and the District 3 tributes come out. I wave to Magnum, and she sits next to me.

"Nikki, I'm terrified about the session. I haven't thought of a plan at all." She says, obviously on edge.

"Well, let's make one now." I say. She looks at me, her face half hidden by her golden hair. "For starters, which weapon are you skilled at?"

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