Fuel for the Flames

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April Holme, 14, District 12 Tribute

I tend to the slowly roasting groosling on the fire in front of me, taking in the delicious scent of our lunch. Food wise, the arena's been pretty kind to us; I mean, how often is it that a whole horde of the birds comes by? Not very often, if you ask me.

I return my attention to the bird. Judging by the golden-brown colour of its skin, it's about done. Carefully, I reach over to it, and pick it up. The heat of the bird instantly burns my hands, and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming out loud. However, I still manage to set it down on one of the fallen logs, and leave it there, darting to the lake on the other side of the clearing, trying my hardest to not cry out in agony.

When my hands reach the cool water, relief immediately floods over me as the heat of the burn vanishes. I remain like this for another few moments, until the water has numbed by hands. Grateful for this, I stand back up, and return to the log. Our lunch is still there, and is still appetisingly delicious. Only one thing left to do know.

I make my way deeper into the woods, to our camp. The three tents that Hunter managed to salvage from the Cornucopia are still set up, two of them occupied. If I didn't know better, I'd say that both Magnum and Hunter are narcoleptic or something. But they're not; they're in the Hunger Games with the one person that can function on barely any sleep at all.

Cautiously, I walk across the sun-dried dirt floor, and unzip the first tent. I'm met with the sleeping form of Magnum, who is mumbling softly in her sleep. It's only expected; I'm surprised I haven't yet had any nightmares.

"Hey, sleeping beauty, get up!" I shout. No need to be soft here; sleep may be the death of my allies if they remain in a deep slumber for too long. "Come on, lunch is ready!" I coo again, and this seems to provoke some form of response from Magnum.

"Macro, whatever it is you want can wait." She groans, and I nudge her again, growing impatient at how much this girl can sleep through. If this was called the Sleeping Games instead of the Hunger Games, she would definitely be the victor. No doubt about it.

"Magnum, get up!" I yell, louder. Suddenly, her eyes snap open, and she lets out a scream, glaring at me, bewildered. Upon recognising me, she calms down, sighing softly, before moving a few loose strands of hair from her face.

"Oh, it's you, April," She says, crawling out of the tent, "You sure managed to give me a fright there."

For some reason, her saying this manages to make the both of us burst into laughter. We chuckle and giggle, and my sides begin to hurt with the shuddering spasms of humour. It doesn't last long, though, and I've soon managed to calm down. Magnum, however, is still wiping the tears form her eyes, and shuddering in bliss.

"I'm going to go and wake Hunter now." I tell her, and get up off of the floor. She nods in between fits of laughter, and I walk across the clearing, heading towards Hunter's tent. Hopefully he'll be somewhat less traumatic to wake up than Magnum.

I reach the tent, and my hand slowly moves towards the zip. Suddenly, without warning, it shoots open, and I'm met with weary, but happy, face of Hunter, his blue eyes staring right into my own grey ones.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood?" I ask flatly as he practically leaps out of his tent. Yes, you heard that right. Leaping. In the Hunger Games. What the heck.

"Nothing at all," He practically sings, before skipping merrily towards Magnum. I need a reality check or something, considering Hunter has spent the last two days focusing on his girlfriend back home, not frolicking merrily throughout this tropical death-match. At least he isn't endangering us just yet, thankfully.

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