Let the Games Begin

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The sun shone down on the arena, preventing the tributes from properly seeing their surroundings. The only thing that a few were certain of was the golden sheen of the massive horn known as the Cornucopia. But it was still too bright to properly see what was inside the Cornucopia. And all the while, a low metallic voice rang out, signalling the countdown to the beginning of the sixty ninth annual Hunger Games.


Gwen blinked rapidly, still not able to see entirely. But she had managed to make out a decently sized backpack just a few feet from her platform.


Derek glanced around. There was a bag to his right, and in the distance, what appeared to be a collection of houses. If he, Griffin, Mason, and Tavish could get there without injury, they could survive.


Lucy took deep breaths, looking around. Besides the bag, she could see a bow, complete with a quiver, almost looking right at her. But she couldn't risk it; not if she wanted to escape unscathed.


Liam scanned the ring of tributes, desperately searching for Emily. As soon as the gong went off, he would meet up with her, and they would get the hell out of there. But he couldn't see her from his position, and he only hoped she would survive.


Erika glanced around, and locked eye contact with Rosa. At least that was one ally who she knew that was within reach; now she just had to find the rest without dying.


Tavish was shaking, out of anticipation, and fear. But he had to keep calm, meet up with his allies, and devise a plan of survival. As long as he survived the bloodbath, it would be fine.


Dixie clenched her fists, and looked around. She was placed right next to Osiris, and there was a whip right near the mouth of the Cornucopia. It practically had her name on it, and if she could get it quickly, then the world would see why she was in with the Careers.


Griffin's eyes were everywhere as they filled with tears. He was going to die in the bloodbath, he was sure of it.

"Please, help me..." he whimpered, his eyes focusing on a shining dagger. There was probably a blowgun somewhere, but it was too dangerous.


Emily felt the panic rising. She couldn't see Liam, and that meant that there was every possibility that he would die before they managed to meet up. Or she could die as well. Emily held her breath as the low voice continued to count down, trying to contain the panic attack.


Kaye looked around at the tributes surrounding him, and he felt his heart flutter as he saw Osiris, who was to his left, wipe some sweat from his brow due to the high temperature. 

"Oh yes please," he murmured under his breath, keeping his eyes on the bag and dagger that were next to his platform. He could grab the supplies, and observe those hot Career boys all he liked. But not if his life was cut short in the bloodbath, and Kaye was certain that wasn't going to happen.


Rosa kept eye contact with Erika, and gave her a nod. It meant that she would stay in the bloodbath, until Erika managed to get out with her. At least, Rosa hoped that Erika got the message.

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