The Extent of Friendship

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Maia Kentner, 16, District 5 Tribute

I sit at the mouth of the cavern, my legs huddled up to my chest. In the past four hours, two more tributes have perished. I have no idea who it was, though, except that it wasn't me or Afya. But I guess we'll find out tonight who has died. Part of me hopes that no more die, but another part of me hopes that somehow, the Games end today, and I go home. But I know that it won't happen, and besides, what exactly do I have to return to? Two abusive parents that cheered when I was reaped. Just like four years ago with Lucas. That's one thing I don't understand; they seemed to hate us for no apparent reason.

But it's not worth dwelling upon at all, and I shake my head to clear the thought out. It doesn't work, but the dizziness gives me something else to focus my mind on. I look forward, and at the slowly rising sun. It's beautiful, but after the cannon that fired earlier, it only reminds me of death. Yet another simple pleasure in life tainted by these Games.

"Good morning, Maia." I turn around, and face Afya, who's just woken up. "Couldn't sleep?" She asks. I simply shake my head, suddenly feeling rather chilled.

"Two more." I reply, and Afya looks at me quizzically, "Two more cannons fired in the night. Two more are dead, Afya." She looks remorseful for a moment, but soon regains her regular expression.

"It's sad, I know," She says softly, "But think about it as two less opponents to have to kill. And besides, I'm pretty sure the afterlife is much better than where we are now." This causes me to laugh slightly, and the growing apprehension that has been building up since the first cannon fired fades away just like that. That's one of the things that I appreciate about Afya; she can always make the situation that much more bearable.

"So, what's our plan for today?" I ask, before the familiar growl of hunger reaches my ears. This time, it's Afya who's laughing.

"I'd say breakfast." She says, still giggling. I nod in agreement, and pull out my bag of nuts, and my canteen of water. I eat about two handfuls of nuts, and take a few sips of my water. It's now definitely gotten to the point where we're not eating to keep our nutrition levels up; the small amounts we have are barely taking the edge off the pains brought on by the lack of food. I know it's the Hunger Games, but come on. Would it really be too hard for them to give us some food every now and again?

After what could barely pass for a meal, I stand up, and look out over the island once more. The sun's much higher in the sky, and I can clearly see the Cornucopia from here. There are now five tents set up around it, and four large figures are standing near the mouth of the golden horn. They look like they're talking. It doesn't take a genius to realise that they are the Careers, only there seems to be something wrong with the head count. There are five tents, and four Careers.

"Hey, Afya," I say as she also stands up, "I think one of the Careers died last night." For a brief moment, I see her eyes light up at the thought, before her face hardens.

"They obviously deserved it." She says harshly, and looks up at the mountain. "I think we should be going soon, Maia. It's never good to stay in the same place too long." She's right. And especially after that incident with the spiders in the forest, no place seems safe enough.

I put my bag on, and pull out my knife. It's not the greatest weapon, but it is better than going around with nothing to defend myself with. Placing it in my belt, we begin to walk up the mountain trail, following a small dirt path that the Gamemakers placed here when they were making it. At least, that's what I hope it is, and not some crazy survivalist tribute setting up an intricate trap to kill us. But even if that does happen, I'm sure that Afya will be able to shoot them down with her bow.

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