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The sun had now almost entirely sunken behind the horizon, leaving a brilliant golden sky, and casting everything in a dusky shadow. Most of the tributes had settled down for the night, with one or two staying up to keep watch to protect their allies. Most of the tributes, minus one group: the Careers.

Dylan stood by the Cornucopia, in front of the array of tents, holding his knife in hand as the other Careers stood in front of him.

"All right," he said. "This is the plan for tonight, guys: we're going to go out, and try and take down some tributes."

"Sounds great," Osiris said. "I can't wait to begin thinning the numbers."

"Yeah," Dylan said. "However, we're going to need a couple of us to stay behind to guard the Cornucopia whilst we're gone."

"Who?" Dixie asked, absently playing with her whip.

"Yeah," Kylee also added, leaning against the Cornucopia, holding her scythe. "Who's it going to be?"

"Don't worry," Dylan said. "You two are coming with us for tribute hunting."

"Whatever," Kylee said with a shrug. Dylan simply rolled his eyes. That attitude of hers would really end up rubbing him the wrong way if she didn't wind it in soon enough.

"But then who's sticking around?" Topaz questioned, spear in hand.

"Uh, Ren, Annabell," Dylan said. "Hope you don't mind, but I want you two to keep watch here. Take out anyone that tries to come too close, okay?"

"Okay then," Ren said. "I guess we can guard this place."

"Nothing personal," Dylan said. "But I feel that it'd be best if you stayed behind; you aren't exactly the strongest, and it would be stupid to put you two at risk."

"I understand," Annabell said calmly. Unbeknownst to the other Careers, she was masking her relief. "We'll stay back."

"Glad you understand," Dylan said, before motioning to Osiris, Kylee, Dixie, and Topaz. "Now come on, let's go!"

The five Careers stormed out from the Cornucopia, leaving Ren and Annabell behind, who were honestly relieved that they wouldn't have to partake in the first murders of the Games. Dylan took the lead of the pack, heading north. Osiris and Topaz were close behind, and Kylee and Dixie made up the back of the group.

"So," Osiris said once the Cornucopia was out of view. "Any reason why north?"

"Yeah," Dylan said. "It's the only direction that isn't surrounded by woods, meaning that if any tributes are up here, then it'll be easier to find and hunt them down."

"I see," Osiris said. "And if there aren't?"

"It's not the end of the world, is it?" Kylee added, before receiving a harsh glare from Dylan. She looked to the floor, trying to hide a smirk. Dylan ignored it.

"If not," he said. "Then we simply try elsewhere. The night is young, Osiris: we have plenty of opportunities."

"If you say so," Osiris replied. "I don't know if I want to be combing the arena endlessly for tributes, though."

"Come on, now," Dylan said. "It won't be that bad. In fact, I'll let you get first blood."

"Why, man?" Osiris said.

"To show I'm a good friend," Dylan replied. "That's all."

"Please," Kylee added. "You're just trying to butter the boy up so he doesn't complain."

"And who asked your opinion?"

"Jeesh," Kylee said. "Dylan, it's almost as if you have a problem with me. Or is it a problem with girls in general? Is that it? Do you have some sort of alpha male complex that makes girls worth very little in your eyes? Because I've encountered that type before, and I'm not afraid to deal with them."

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