Chapter 1: Ultimatum

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     It is a dark night in New York city. Following his encounter with Hirsch, Jason Bourne heads to the roof. Whilst trying to escape, he is confronted by Paz.
"Why didn't you take the shot?" Paz asks Bourne as he points his gun at him.
"Do you even know why you're supposed to kill me?" Bourne asks him. Paz takes a moment to think, whilst still having his gun aimed at Bourme. "Look at us. Look at what they make you give," Bourne responds. Paz looks at Bourne, ready to shoot him. However, last minute, he decides to disobey his orders and let Bourne go. However, immediately after, Vosen appears and Bourne attempts to jump off the roof. However, just as Bourne leaps off, Vosen shoots him right before he lands into the East River. He seems dead as he sinks motionless into the depths of the river. Meanwhile, a few days later, overlapping news broadcasts talk about the exposure of Operation Blackbriar.
"FBI agents arrested several senior CIA officials today in connection with the broadening scandal enveloping Washington today," Anchor 1 says on the broadcast.
"Assassination program code-named "Blackbriar" was exposed by a former assassin named David Webb," Anchor 2 adds in a overlapping broadcast.
"Program reportedly targeting US Citizens in some cases..." Anchor 3 continues but is interrupted by another overlapping broadcast by Anchor 4.
"CIA Director Ezra Kramer produced explosive documents for the Senate Committee indicating "Blackbriar" was authorized at the highest levels of government," Anchor 4 says. Meanwhile, Nicky arrives at a low end tourist bar with several other customers. She stands there, eyes fixed on a TV behind the bar.
"Webb, who was known inside the intelligence community, as "Jason Bourne" jumped from the fourteenth floor of the CIA facility where he was trained in New York into the East River below. While experts say it would be nearly impossible to survive the fall, despite two weeks of efforts, his body has still not been recovered," Anchor 5 concludes as Nicky smiles, knowing that Bourne escaped. Meanwhile, the night before, Bourne's seemingly dead body sinks into the river. However, he suddenly budges and starts swimming away from the building he jumped off from, heading towards Roosevelt Island. As he reaches, he spots Blackwell House. Parked right outside the house is a black sedan. Bourne heads towards it, hot wires it, and drives off. A man comes out of the house and is surprised to find his black sedan missing, which confuses him. Meanwhile, Bourne stops by a clothing store, only to find it closed. He heads towards the back, looks around and finds no cameras in sight, and breaks open the old door to get inside. He picks up a shirt and pants that are his size, and later picks up some shoes. He heads towards the manager's office and starts to search it. He eventually comes across a Glock handgun and a cell phone. He steals them both and then heads out from the back. A few days later day, he is at a undisclosed location watching the news broadcasts about the Blackbriar exposure. Later, he is asleep on a couch. He goes into dream state and has dreams about his time his Treadstone days. A voice, a low and mysterious British voice, speaks a word Bourne does not remember hearing before: SPECTRE. He suddenly awakes, calm yet confused. What the hell is SPECTRE, he's thinking to himself. He gets up and pours himself a glass of water. As he drinks, he walks over to his balcony to look over the night yet busy street below. He looks at the cars driving by, the buildings surrounding his own, and the innocent conversing amongst themselves.
"SPECTRE," he says to himself in a low and quiet voice.

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