Chapter Twenty

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OKAY GUYS! This is one of the last chapters of The Lucky One! This will be kinda confusing so lemme explain. Okay they will be talking at the same time so this one will be third person. No Zayn pov or no Allie pov.


When Allie talks it will be only Italisised.

When Zayn talks it will only be bold.

It will be both for when they both talk

And lastly it will be regular for when someone else is talking.

OKAY?! I love you all so much please dont think I dont care for you when I dont update... Its just my life is just a bit... Oh do I put this.. Insane? Atm. Anyway I promised I would finish this book, and Support over break and I am keeping this promise. Anyway the Epilogue will be after this chapter. I love you all STAY BEAUTIFUL!


Third Person POV.


I take a deep breathe as they're about to play the song that I dread to hear..

The song begins to play and I hold in my tears to the best ability. Perrie walks out of those doors and all I see is Allie all over her face.

I walk out and I see Niall grinning ear to ear.. My heart aches as I nodice it isn't my Zayn.

I cry, the audiance awe's at what they think I'm crying for...

I make it to the aulter and Niall takes my hands, his cheeks tear staind, his smile dazling, to bad I really didn't fall for this Irish boy..

Her eyes glossy, I lift her veil and she smiles sadly at me. The preacher begins to speak as my eyes spill with tears.. This should be me and Allie up here. But my stupid mistakes brought me and Perrie here.

"Do you Allie Elizabeth Nixton, take Niall James Horan as your lawfully wedded husband?"


"Don't." Niall says quietly. "I know how you feel about Zayn.. Eleanor and the guys told me last night their plan.."

"He's marrying Perrie, Niall. And I'm marrying you." I whispered to him. He shook his head and smiled lightly.

"You're going to marry Zayn.. Perrie's in on it too... Now." He takes the flowers from me and the veil off of my head. "Go get your lad." I smile his way as a huge weight is lifted off my heart. I take my heals off and run out of the church to go to the church down the street. Taking short cuts and alley ways just to get to my Zayn.


"Do you Zayn Malik, take Perrie Edwards, as your wife?"



"Zayn.." Perrie whispers to me, I look at her and she smiles sweetly. She takes the ring of my finger, and the one off of hers. "You need to go get Allie before it's to late.." She whispers pushing me to the exit. 

I turn around and smile her way before running out of the church to get my girl.

"WAIT!" I screamed barging into the church. But there was hardly anyone there. Niall was sitting on the steps with the look of defeat on his face. "Niall?" I say, he looks up and smiles.

"You should go find her, she left about 15 minutes ago." He looks like he's been crying.

"Why did you let her go?" I asked walking toward him.

"Because Zayn.. She was always yours." With that he pushed me to the door to go find her.


"I OBJECT!" I screamed out. ONly to find Perrie in there with her beautiful wedding gown on. Touching all the wedding decorations. "Per?" I said quietly.

"Well don't you look beautiful." She says sweetly, quietly.. and very calmly. "Shouldn't you be with Zayn he left a little bit ago." 

"I came here because I thought that was apart of your guys plans." I asked confused making my way toward her.

"No you both were supposed to meet in the middle." She laughs light heartedly. "You know its always been you.." She says quieter.

"What do you mean?" I asked her back. She smiled at me and hugged me.

"Zayn has always loved you. Now go find him before I find him myself." She pushes me out the doors and there stood Zayn in his tux



She's really here!

He found me.

"You've always been the one!" We said in sync.

"You've always been the girl I love.." 

"And you've always been The Lucky One."

The Lucky One [z.m./n.h.]Where stories live. Discover now