Chapter Three.

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Allie's Pov:

"Allie Nixton, come here please." My photographer asked. I smiled and gladly made my way over to Gabe, my gay but amazing photographer.

"What is it Gabe?" I smile sweetly at him. He smiles back and pulls me into a hug and jumps up and down which makes me do the same action.

"I got to choose one person from my group to be a Victoria Secret Angel this year." He squeals like a 5-year-old wanting ice cream, I giggle at his actions and gave him my full attention wanting to hear who he chose and why. Ive always wanted to be a Angel, ever since I started this job two years ago. He grabbed my hand and smiled widely at me.

"I chose you Als! I chose youuu!!'' He says again. My hand goes over my mouth wanting to scream and shout to the world. I look in his deep green eyes and remove my hand smiling widely at him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much for this!" Was all I could manage out. I hug him tightly. Ever since I started modeling for Victoria Secret, Gabe has been so sweet to me. Me and him have gotten close, he is a very good friend.

"You deserve this. Noww! Go get packing! We have a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon!" He squeals again. I laugh and go to get changed into my regular clothes

I smile to myself and walk out into the busy London streets to head home, maybe Kendall was home. I could tell him all about this. I quickly walk down the street dodging my way in and out of every other person, trying not to hit anyone. I smile to myself as I think of what just happened about 15 minutes ago.

My back pocket begins to vibrate, I quickly take it out and see it is Veronica on the phone. I answer it happier then I have ever been since I was with Zayn.

"Hellooo" I coo into the phone.

"Hey Allieee!" She says all happy.

"I have the best news EVER!" I say laughing.

"You know me Als! Im all ears!" She giggles into the phone. I laugh and turn into my apartment building.

"Guess who is a Victoria Secret Angel this year!?" I scream making the man at the front desk look at me weird. I laugh to myself and return my focus back onto my conversation.

"OHHHH MYYYYY GAWD!! NO WAYYY SHUT UPPP!" She squeals to me through the phone. I laugh and nod my head but forgot that she cant even see what I am doing.

"You bet your sweet butt I ammmm!" I say laughing through the phone "Now come over and help me pack mofo!" Before she could protest I hung up and shut the door behind me. I smile and took my coat off hoping Kendall was home so I could tell him my good news. But ever since I wanted to go home from out 2 year anniversary, he has been.. How do I put this? Distent.

"Kendall!" I shout happily through our big flat.

"In here." He says through our bedroom door. I open in it wide and jump on the bed which he is laying on as well. He laughs and pulls me in and kisses my forehead.

"Why hello there beautiful ladyy." He gushes and laughs.

"Guess what!" I excitingly say looking up into his big green eyes.

"What??" He says smiling

"Im a Victoria Secret Angel this year!" I say not even believe what im hearing anymore. I still cant believe I am actually going to New York!

"Wow. Thats really cool." He says smiling at me kissing my cheek. "You'll do great baby." He says snuggling into my neck. "When ya leaven?" His American accent filled my ears putting a smile on my face.

"Tomorrow afternoon." I say kissing his cheek. "Now c'mon! Lets get tah packen!" I giggle and pull him off the bed. Well try.

"Ughhhhhh... But why.." He groans not getting up.

"Please boo!" I giggle lightly pulling him some more. Finally get gets up and goes to my closet getting out my 4 duffle bags so we can fill them full of different things. I dont know how long ill be there.

Zayn's Pov:

"C'mon Zaynie.. You have to pack. You guess are leaving for that fashion show tomorrow!" Perrie groans and throws a pair of my underwear at my head making me laugh. I go behind her and rap my arms around her waste.

"What would I do with out an amazing fiancee like yourself?" I whisper in her ear making her giggle.

"You would be packing last minute thats what you'd be doing.." She giggled again. Man I really was going to miss this girl when I finally leave tomorrow.

"Ill miss you.." I say kissing her cheek over and over again earning giggles from the blonde.

She spun around and put her smaller hands on my chest and kissed my cheek and put some boxers of mine on my head.

"Now LETS PACK!" She says leaving me standing there smiling like a idiot, I take the boxers off my head and stuck them into my suitcase.

After about a hour or so of packing we were finally done and relaxing on my bed, cuddling and just talking, these are the things I love doing with her.

"Hey Zayn." She says playing with my fingers, kissing them and bending them.

"What love." I say back smiling at my beautiful soon to be wife. God it feels so good saying that.

"If Allie were still here would you be with here?" She asks looking up at me with her baby blues.

I froze.. What am I supposed to say.. Because I know if I said no that would be lying and then that starts the train of lies happens everytime.

But I dont want her hurt. Jesus what the hell should I do..

"No.." I whisper to her, already feeling the guilt at the bottom of my stomach rise into my throat.

All I wanted to say was 'Perrie, that was a total lie the truth is yes..' but I didnt.. I just sat there playing with her hair like everything was alright.. But it wasnt..

I wasnt..


I felt like the time was right to update this! ((: I hope you like it the next chapter is when they leave for the showww! THEN IN CHAPTER FIVE THE REAL DRAMA BEGINSSSS MWUAHAHAHHHAHAHAhAHAHA!!!!!!

much love to all of my carrots♥


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