Chapter Twelve

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Allie Elizabeth Nixton.

"I just wanted to forget.." He whispers. I look at him as he plays with his food and he sighs loudly. I frown and kind of understand what he means.. The whole relationship with Kendall it's because I wanted to forget.. Everything me and him ever had.

"What do you mean.." I whisper trying to pry the rest of the answer from the familiar Bradford boy.

"You." He states "I wanted to forget everything about you. Your smile, your hair. Your voice, your beautiful laugh, your gorgeous eyes, the way you looked in my clothes. Our memories, you're everywhere Allie!" He says slamming his hands down on the table "Every. Fucking. Where!" He pulls on his hair and growls "Your in my head, my house, my car, the studio, in the tour bus. I cant even get you out of my thoughts for a damn second.! I love Perrie! Everything was going great I was ACTUALLY beggining to fucking get better! But then you had to just be a Angel at the fashion show. You just had to sleep with Niall. You just had to date him. Now look at me, look at what the fuck I have become a fucking confused mess!" He rants. Tears soon prickled down my cheeks. He doesnt even want me here. I look up into his mocha swirled eyes and his face softends.

"Allie.. Allie I-.. I-." He stuttered.

"No Zayn.. I understand. Its quite clear you dont even want me here." I mutter wiping my tears so when Niall gets back he dont get pissed with Zayn.

"Thats not true!" He pleads.. I look in his eyes for the first time in 2 years and see love. Unconditional love for me. Me.. Allie Nixton..

"I want you here.." He whispers "But with me ... Not Niall." He states.

"You have Perrie and I have Niall.." I whisper hiding my giddiness inside. He frowns and shakes his head.

"Allie, I know when you lie.." He says looking at me.. Fuck me sideways

"I know im lying Zayn. But you love Perrie... You proposed.. No its time for us to go our seperate ways.." I whisper holding back my sobs.

"I can call it off.. Then you and I can get married. And have all those beautiful kids we wanted." He says smiling. I smile back but it turns into a frown. I cant do this to Niall.. Or to Perrie..

"Zayn.. We cant.." I say back.

"Why the hell not!" He yells.

"Because we both love the people we are with." I spit back.

"I love you more!" He shouts.

"As do I! Thats exactly why im letting you go!" I shout back tears streaming down my face with anger.

"I love you to much to even let you go again.." Zayn croaks tears now streaming down his face into his breakfast. I look around and see that we have caused a scene but people quickly stop starring and eat again.

"Zayn, I understand. But you got to understand. Im with Niall now.. You're with Perrie. Soon to be happily married.." I mumble out holding back my tears.

"I dont want hurt.. I want you.." He whispers. I look up and squeeze my eyes shut just wishing this would all go away but to my dismay... It didnt.

"How do you suppose that." I say back kind of giving in.

"Go behind peoples backs."

"Cheating!?" I spit out the water that I to a drink of and he simply nods his head. "Wont that hurt them!" I whisper shout to him.

"Not if we break up with them in enough time." He says back taking a bit of his pancake acting calm as could be.

"Thats wrong Zayn Javaad!" I say crossing my arms.

"I know what it is. But its worth it.. Isnt it?" He says. "Being together is worth this ... Isnt it?" He says. I sigh and shake my head yes.

"But we cant be all lovey in public. Just when its just you and I." I say back. He nods and smiles as Niall comes back with our things.

"Wow Niall. What took you so long mate?" Zayn says laughing like nothing just happend.. Stupid men.

"Long arse line up there! I thought I would die before I would have got my food." He says then pecks my cheek "And before I could make a wife out of this one." He gushes making me blush and giggle. I look over at Zayn and he tensed but untensed when Perrie came over and pecks his cheek.

What the fuck have I gotten myself into....


Guys. I had school cancelled today. So I updated so you all wouldnt get made I have been having some REALLY late nights this week.. Like seriously last night I got home at 10:30 from the Palace theater... Production week is SO important to me so please bear with me now because musical is the biggest part in my life... So please dont get made if I dont update for awhile because of it. Now if you excuse me. I have to go meet my fellow lead cast members at House of Hunan(: I hope you ALL have a wonderful Wednesday and have a beautiful rest of the week. Enjoy the song on the side. Its by Reece Mastin called Timeless(: And enjoy the gif on the side. Because I thought it was kinda cute...

So without further adoooo.




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