Chapter Thirteen

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Allie Elizabeth Nixton

After breakfast we broke off and it was just me and Niall. We all were going back the same day.. But I forgot to tell 2 very important people that I was with some old friends... I pick up my phone from my night stand and see I have a bit of reading to do.

'Als were are you!? - Jaz'

'Im worrieeedddddd!!! -Jaz'

'Gabe wont leave til we have you....- Jaz'

'All I ask is where you are hun! -Gabe'

'Please dont be dead you're my best gurlllll! - Gabe'

I roll my eyes at the childish pair. Gosh im eighteen years old.. I can take care of myself for once. I quickly respond back with where I am and for Jaz to take my things on our plane home while I chill with Niall and the others.

I turn back to Niall who is franticly searching for his favorite pair of boxers when they are clearly right on the bed. I laugh lightly and pick up the pair of Scooby Doo boxers and tap Niall's shoulder.

"Oh.. Uhm.. You werent supposed to see these.." He says blushing a deep red making me laugh again.

"I think its cute." I say pinching his cheeks lightly.

"Stopppp" he groans throwing my hands off his face. He throws some of Eleanor's clothing at me and tells me to get dressed.

"Out.." I mutter and point to the door.

"Ive seen it all!" He states. I raise my eye brow and he lets out a laugh causing me to turn a red. "Alright, alright. Calm down killer." He chuckles and walks out letting me get changed. I take a look in the mirror and fix my bleach blonde hair and make up. I look at the Hollister skinny jeans, and black Arrow Smith t-shirt on. Supported with black TOMS. I smile at my reflection and walk out to see Niall dressed and ready to show me around New York.

"So who else is coming?" I ask throwing my phone in my back pocket and turning to the Irish boy.

"Just you and I til around 8. Then we are on our way to London again." He says smiling wide at me.

"Then come on!! I only have so much time to sight seeee!" I say grabbing his hand and drag him out making him laugh because I only made it half way to the elevator. He gently puts his fingers in between mine guiding me to the exiting doors and into the fresh New York air.


"Niall stoppppp!" I giggle as he puts more ice cream on his face. Its now 5 o'clock and he has shown me some amazing places in this town. He didnt care if pops saw us together, holding hands, sharing sweet kisses here and there, sharing food. I liked being out with Niall alone. Just us two.

"But it tastes better when its been on you." He says licking my cheek.

"Ewwww!" I squeal, making Niall laugh and a older couple look at us and smile. We got up and our hands were yet again tied together.

"Hey wait kido's" I hear a older mans voice say from behind us. We turn around and its the same exact man and his wife that were smiling at our childish act.

"What do you need sir." Niall said turning all the way around and bring me close, his arm rested on my hip and tracing random shapes like Zayn always used to do..

"Me and my wife Cindy would just like to say how sweet you two look together. And how you two remind us of each other when we were that young." He says smiling showing his teeth. He pats Nialls shoulder and nods his head.

"Keep her close son. She looks like a keeper." He states. Niall smiles widely and brings me closer kissing my cheek making me blush. The old man smiles in my direction.

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