Trust Effigies

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"Like you?" Lothar prodded the obvious elephant in the room.

Fain swallowed hard but nodded, "Yes, like me. But I'm not one of them I swear, I did all this because they threatened to kill my family. I...I haven't seen them since they came to get me after my sister died. But they swore if I complied then they would remain unharmed." Fain was a little startled when she felt Khadgar's hand slide slowly against the middle of her back but the woman didn't resent his touch, "I can use fel but I swear I could use it before Fel'dan even took me away. My people have a natural affinity for it, just like he can use magic." She looked up at Khadgar with a small frown, "I know fel isn't, what is it?"

"Arcane, yes she doesn't use mage magic but she can control it. She's demonstrated that over and over now," Khadgar vouched for Fain's sake as he stepped beside her and pulled a scroll out from his robe he'd retrieved from Karazhan, "Look, there's been mentions of these types of magic users before even Medivh or the Kirin Tor, warlocks have been to Azeroth before. Fel is as old as any other magic, Gul'dan and the horde just are trying to rule with it."

"So what do we do then?" Taria was the one to speak up. Lothar still cocked back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest as he twisted his fingers in his beard methodically, only starring down at his lap lost in his thoughts.

"Long term...I don't know, but I know Gul'dan kills and destroys anything he touches. My people have lost land, Athrikus wasn't lying about that. Things have become dryer, rains less heavy, Gul'dan has sucked the life out of the orcs home and he's been doing the same to mine," Fain once again clasped her hands together in order to produce a projection of her last memory of home. Taria intrigued by the fel magic trick stood and walked around to see what Fain laid out on the table top at all angles.

"But Azeroth isn't your home? Why are you offering to protect something you don't know?" Finally Lothar's voice broke through the mulling everyone else was doing.

All was well and good to the King when his friend simply was trying to figure out about this woman in his dreams. Now as she stood before him wooing over his sister and Azeroth's guardian with some heroic change of heart, the King wasn't buying it. Taria and Khadgar were about to jump on Lothar's case about what should have been obvious for Fain's motivation, but to both the woman's and man's surprise, Fain was the one to answer Lothar's dead serious question.

"I was promise to see the magic that is seasons, if Azeroth is destroyed, I can't see the four seasons," In utter humorless and somber response, Fain's eyes stayed locked with Lothar's as he scrutinized her answer.

Taria had spared Lothar a little of her meeting with Fain earlier in the day but nothing in large detail about what the women spoke about. This as well as hearing over and over Khadgar's emotional turmoil over the woman gave him some steady opinion on the woman. Holding her solemn gaze for a hearty five seconds, Lothar gave and nodded with a tiny snorting laugh, "That's what we're calling it now a days...Fain, you'd better hope for the sake of your seasons you are not trying to dupe my sister and I. Stormwind will not fall into Gul'dan's hands."

Dour about his response Fain indicated her understanding with a incline of her head. The territorial pissing match between the King and this outsider had subsided for now and Taria and Khadgar couldn't help a relief fall from their shoulders. Now with the hopes Lothar would be open to hearing what Fain had to say and the play concocted up by the two spell casters in hopes to dupe the shadow council invaders. Banishing them back to Gul'dan's clutches for the time being and earning Stormwind another reprieve from the fel.

"We have a plan, that should keep both of you safe and get rid of this group semi permanently," Khadgar took over explaining the meticulous idea he'd brewed up, "That will buy us time and Fain will be able to give what she can to help fortify against these demons slipping in to Azeroth."

Babel's Magic-Khadgar FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora