She then looks at me and Dylan, waiting for a response.

I shake his shoulder and he lifts his head from the glass. "Yes?"

"Do you have to pee?" He shakes his head, scoots over to me, and wraps his arm around my body. "I don't have to pee either," I say to Tessa who nods and then subtly winks at me.

I roll my eyes and lay my head on Dylan's chest. He was warm since he wrapped in himself for the last few hours.

"Your hair smells good," he whispers as he lays his head behind mine. I laugh quietly and grab a bag from the floor of the van. I take out a candy and open it. I take a few bites, chewing delightfully.

Without asking, Dylan takes it out of my loose grip and takes a bite of the candy bar.

"What is this? It's really tasty." He takes another bite and then hands the small portion of it back to me. I stare at it for a second, feeling quite empty inside before eating the last bit.

"It's called Crunch. They even have an ice cream that uses it." I put the wrapper in the almost full trash bag.

"Why didn't you get it?"

"They didn't have it there. Otherwise, I would've gotten it." I say sassily, crossing my arms and sitting forward. My back presses lightly to his chest because of the seatbelt.

"I cannot believe that one day the seatbelt is going to look extremely odd on me because of a pregnant belly." Tessa says as she lightly pats her stomach.

"I can't believe I have a little bean growing in there. Honestly, I can't wait for our baby. I want him or her to have the best life we can give them." Warren says, making Tessa look over at him with a kind smile.

I look up behind me and Dylan smiles at me like a geek. "You're gonna be a great mother." He says and gives me a weird car hug.

"Thanks." I smile back and watch as we get off the freeway.

"We have the streets for about thirty minutes and then we're there."

As we go down the street, we decide to stop at a fast food joint to get some real food. It's now 7:48pm and we didn't eat much but junk today.

"What should we get, we have a variety." I look out on my side and see there's a Chinese food place, sushi bar, Mexican food place, and a grill.

"Anyone care for some Chinese?" I ask as I point toward the hole-in-the-wall.

"It's been a long time since I've had some Chinese. Why not?" Without an answer from Tessa or Dylan, Warren turns into the drive-thru of the restaurant. When we get up to order, he gets practically everything on the menu.

We receive our food, pay, and then make our way to the cabin.

The drive was short and once we went up a large hill, the cabin was surrounded by thick woods.

"It's beautiful." Tessa says in amazement as she peers outside the window of the van. When the car comes to a full stop, she unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the car.

"It looks at little scary." I say to Dylan which results in him laughing.

"Scared of the woods?"

"Uh, yeah! You never know what's out there," I reply, opening the trunk and taking out our bags.

"Here I'll help." Dylan starts taking bags out too and sets them on the ground. "It's only a weekend, why is there eight bags in here?"

"One entire bag holds makeup and hair supplies. The other holds clothes and the last one is food to make while we're here!" Tessa picks up two of them and slings them both over opposite shoulders. "I'll see you guys inside."

"I'm gonna go turn on the power. We keep it off when we aren't here, but I'll be back to help you guys carry those in." Warren walks off into the pitch black darkness and I shake my head at the cliché horror film feel to this.

I pick up my bag and roll it up to the front door. Dylan comes with my backpack, his backpack, and three bags in one hand.

"How are you even carrying all that?"

"It's a secret of the Australian men." He winks and opens the door with his back. I flip the light switch and the light turns on to reveal a large staircase that leads to what I'm assuming is the bedrooms.

"The lights work! I was worried we were gonna have to spend this weekend in the dark." I set my bag on the floor and take in the largeness of this cabin.

Warren comes in and shuts the door behind him.

"I forgot to mention, there's four bedrooms, two with their own bathroom. So pick and choose while you can." I nod and go through a walkway that leads to the kitchen.

"Dylan! Can you do me a favor and get our dinner out of the car?" The brown, cushioned couch, sits right next to the kitchen and in front of a television.

I hear the door open and close again, a few second later, Dylan, Tessa, and Warren, join me in the kitchen/living room.

"This place is really nice," Tessa says as she pulls out the cartons of Chinese. I stand and take out a warm to-go plate. I open it and see things I'm willing to eat. I take a fork, sit down at the table and begin to eat my food.

The savory orange chicken is enough for me to feel like I am in Chinese heaven. After everyone fixes their plates, they join me at the table.

"Damn girl, you're plowing." Tessa takes a bite of her food and I look down to see my meal is halfway gone and I'm still chewing some.

"It's good!" I defend myself and continue my flavorful adventure. "This, I have got to say, is the best Chinese I've ever had."


Hey guys! So double-update, I hope you all enjoyed this.

Sorry about not updating last week, I was extremely busy but I've had time to throw together a few chapters and I'm hoping they're good.

So I'm sorry if there are spelling errors or anything of that sort, I'm really trying to get these out to you guys so you have something to read on the weekend :).

Well anyway, before I write six paragraphs, I love you all, thank you for reading, and goodbye <3

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