Chapter seventeen

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Sasha POV -
I awoke with the sound of screams quickly getting out of bed and peaking into the hallway seeing a comtion at the end of the hall, walking down I saw everyone else in a look of distress as they was being told strict instructions from their parents.

"Dad you have to let us do this we are capable of doing so-" Avi spoke as his father strongly disagreed with him,

"No son you have the others have been out of practice for a while you can't take something as big as this right now let's get to the safe houses" he said as himself and the other parents turned around leaving their children.

I still stood at the back of everyone waiting to be noticed.

--- End of POV --

Avi started pacing back and front of the others as Avi stopped to look at Kevin, "She is not ready we need to leave"

"I know Avi should we leave tonight?" Kevin replied as Avi looked down deciding on his opinion.

"Her mind is to fragile for this, Cassius will have her in an instant, she can't see the charm the mind games he plays"

"Avi?" Sasha spoke as now everyone knew of her existence moving out of her way to reveal her now walking towards him, "what are you talking about?" Sasha's voice was small and full of question as Avi walked towards her.

"Cassius's men was spotted around the grounds he knows of your location so of the safety of our family and you we need to go to the safe houses that are a few miles from here and we have to go into hiding for a while." he explained.

"What does Cassius want from me?"

"A lot of things he sees your potential power but also he likes his slaves" Avi spoke as Mitch jumped in.

"Dirty man using innocent and pure children for his own selfish and crude ways" Mitch growled as he clinged to the side of Scott.

"Let's all get back to bed and we can discuss travel and other things tomorrow now we are all tired and let's go and get some sleep" Kevin suggested as the others agreed.

But Sasha was still stood in front of Avi, as she went to leave he grabbed her arm " Sasha...I don't want you to be alone tonight"

Sasha blushed as she tried to hide it by faking a cough "ok so where am I supposed to sleep?"

Avi laughed "we can both sleep in your bed"


"Sasha chill I won't try anything that you're not comfortable with"

Sasha breathed as she then smiled "well not that I don't trust you because I do its-ugh ok fine come on"

The car journey to the safe houses was long as most people slept, they came to a private estate that looked to be heavily guarded.

They pulled up to a large house similar to the other one as it looked grand with the fancy window frames and hand sculpted brick work that complimented the age of the house along with the lush green grass and many colourful happy flowers to match the whole aesthetic of the house.

Jumping out of the car Sasha took a deep breath as the clean air felt relaxing and the sun made all the greenery look bright and healthy.

Sasha stopped and looked up at the house as a memory flashed in her head, it was when she was younger her mother took her there for a summer gathering, Sasha played with the other children among the daisies as she never questioned why they looked different to her. Within the gathering Sasha remembered greeting her aunt Jen with the husband.

When looking at Jen's husband Sasha remembered him being a tall man with a strong build, when the sun fell from her eyes and his face appeared she was shocked to see who it was.

With this Sasha jumped out of her flash back as she gasped, "you ok there?" Kevin asked as he stood beside her, Sasha turned to Kevin with a scared look on her face.

"Him" she whimpered out, Kevin was confused by this as he asked her again,

"Him who?" Sasha didn't get a chance to reply when Kristen was calling everyone inside.

The house was similar to the other one but this looked more modern, walking into the house as you was greeted with dark wooden flooring that matched well with the clean white walls, as it attached to a kitchen and living room as one as bright glass windows from floor to ceiling let in the sunlight from the garden.

As much as Sasha wanted to bask in the glory of the beautiful sight in front of her she couldn't. Still thinking deep about the situation, Kevin put a hand on her shoulder making sure she was ok with a quick nod he gave her a pat and walked away, although he wasn't convinced.

"Hey you ok?" Avi asked as he put his hand on her arm as Sasha gave a fake smile before replying,

"Yea I'm this house is amazing"

"Isn't it? I'm glad my parents decided to redesign the house after many years, come I will show you the rest of the house" he pulled her arm making their way to the large doors that led them to the back garden, stepping out there was a swimming pool and off to the side was a fire pit under some shelter with large sofas.

"Shouldn't we help the others?" Sasha questioned as they both was sitting down next to the fire pit.

"It's fine, how are you really?" Avi said as he looked into Sasha's eyes.

She breathed as he looked around before looking back at him "I saw something..something I'm confused I had a flashback and I remember this house and my aunt lived here with her husband"

Avi nodded as he waited for her to continue, "I remember the kids I played with I never questioned why they looked different from me but the one thing that stood out to me was aunt Jen's husband...Avi I'm scared"

"It's ok you can tell me" he encouraged,

"Her Husband was" she paused as the outside was deadly quiet, "Cassius."

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