Chapter sixteen

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~Short....i'm sorry ~

A loud bang came at Avi's door, in a goggliy fashion Avi threw the door open to death glare anyone who disturbed him, he looked to see Sasha in full training clothes.

"Morning" Sasha said as she was trying hard not to look down at the rest of Avi's body, Avi rubbed his eyes before replying

"It's 6AM and why up so early?"

"Because a good trainer gets his work done at the crack of dawn" she smiled as Avi was trying t still awake up.

"Give me a few minutes and I will be down" Avi said to her as Sasha nodded and made her way down to the training room, while Avi went and flopped back down on to his bed letting out a deep groan.

"What did you learn with Scott and Mitch? Yesterday"
"We learned defence and it was tiring" Sasha said as she quickly moved out of the way when Avi came for her, as he swung watching Sasha dodge them.

"Eh you're ok still a little bit left behind and slow when dodging but.." Avi paused as he re-adjusted Sasha's stance before speaking again "but we can fix that"

"Ok so what did I do wrong?"

"Well starters your guard is down, your posture is weak and you are not focused" Avi explained as Sasha was not paying attention. Avi looked at Sasha as he snapped his fingers in her face as she blinked out of her stare.

"Sorry what?"

Avi looked at her for a few moments, "unbelievable...Sasha what is going through you're head"

"A lot of things Avi I don't think I can do this" Sasha said as she looked into Avi's eyes, a worried expression on her face as she began to walk out of the room, leaving Avi to himself.

Sasha walked through the house, she didn't know where she was going until she ran into someone, "i'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's ok" Sasha looked up at the new voice, she was frozen in place as one of the royals looked down at Sasha.

"I'm sorry-just-I should go-"

"No what is troubling you"

"I don't think I can do this-"

"Child you are strong, and capable of many things you are a Lunar having the blood of Onyx inside you just have to find it inside you" Sasha looked back to the person as she smiled before saying thank you then walking towards the kitchen.

"Thank you Connie"

"Anytime Sasha"

Later on in the day Sasha was invited to sit in on one of the families meetings about the covenant as well as possible attack.

"If she's the new saviour then Cassius must be after her"
"Yes but she has been captured by him once but escaped" Avi replied to his mother.

"But if she escaped then she is something that holds power. How is training going? For her" Rick asked as he looked over at the children.

"Sasha learns quickly but she is still rusty on the take up for it" Kevin spoke first watching the adults nod in agreement,

"Bring her here please" Nel spoke as Sasha meekly made her way over to them, Sasha stood tall putting on her brave face as she stood in front of the parents.

"Sasha how do you think you're doing?" Connie asked as Sasha gave her a small smile before pushing her hair out of her face,

"I think I'm progressing...slowly but you're children have been great teachers-"

"Yes but we asked about you not our children" Avi's father spoke as Sasha stopped speaking slowly feeling small under their stare.

"I - I think that"

"Please stop stuttering it's not lady like"

"OK I can't do this! This legacy or covenant and me a protector? What- WHY why me what do I have? I'm just a girl who was forced by my parents to go and spend a summer with my aunt and what has happened? I have seen some shit, look and i'm sorry for my language but still-"

Sasha took a breath as she felt tears in her eyes,"I made friends and possibly maybe even love but all this I can't handle i'm not part of Luna, not magical i'm just a anti social teenager who just wants to see the world so thank you for your hospitality but I'm just gonna go home now thank you"

Sasha said as she turned around and walked out of the room leaving them silenced.

"Where are you going?" Mitch said as Sasha was walking out of the house,

"I can't do this Mitch" Sasha said as she started to get choked up on her words as Mitch started to come closer to her.

"Yes you can and you will just I know it's overwhelming but-"

"Mitch you was born into this I wasn't all this is not normal if I was to go back to my life and tell them about this they would think I'm crazy"

"We all are just please come back and we can take this one step at a time...Please" Mitch spoke as he held Sasha's hand waiting for her to speak.

"I don't know" she whispered as Mitch pulled her into a hug.

"Come with me you need some food and a good movie,..come with me and Mitchie will make it better" he said as Sasha let out a small laugh before following him back into the house.

"So do you like anyone?" Mitch said as he sat back down on to his bed, while Kirstin braided Sasha's hair,

"How old are we?" Sasha laughed

"Well we need some gossip" Kirstin said.

"Ok well Avi has been acting weird like he came to my door was about to say something then he changed it before I could answer"

"He's so into you!" Kirstin spoke as she finished braiding Sasha's hair,

"Well he might..but it's probably a stupid crush" Sasha spoke as Mitch and Kirstin both wore smirks on their faces.

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