Chapter six

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That night Sasha still couldn't figure out what she saw, sneaking out of her room she found herself in the library of the house it was small but it also held a computer. Around the computer it had many newspaper clippings of certain headlines that made no sense.

There was one newspaper headline that caught Sasha's attention, 'PARANORMAL TEENS ESCAPE JAIL'. Looking more into the small article along the bottom of the page was five mug shots, each with their eyes black, looking like they came straight out of a war zone.

Before Sasha could get a read on the story she felt a hand on her shoulder spin her around, she was faced with a stern looking Avi, his green eyes seem to pierce through to Sasha's soul.
"Let the games begin" he said as he placed a cloth to her mouth, watching her drop as he carried her out of the library, the other four watched as he now carried the limp girl to a secluded part of the house that only they knew about.

Tiring her to a chair and putting duct tape over her mouth, the room was dimly lit as the five stood around in a semi-circle waiting for her to awake, they kept a watchful eye on her waiting for something or any movement from Sasha.

Surring awake Sasha's head was blurry and a mess once the room had stop spinning she looked around to see Mitch sat in a large chair sideways picking at his nails, looking up towards Sasha he smiled before saying in a sing song voice "she's awake".

One by one the others appeared from the shadows each of them keeping a sharp eye on her, acting like she was the prey, keeping herself calm she looked at everyone in the room their faces were emotionless there eyes seemed to hold no hint of what they could be thinking.

"Hello Sasha i'm guessing you're wondering what is this and what is going on" Avi paused as he gave a quick look around before replying "we are going to tell you" he walked forward ripping off the tape as Sasha let out a gasp pulling on her restraints.

"Well you better start explaining" Sasha said her voice low and quiet.
Avi smiled down at her as he tilted her chin up forcing her to look at him "what we are you wouldn't understand..the things what we are capable of would shake your little mind" Avi's voice was spiteful as his eyes started to turn black at the sides.

Feeling brave Sasha laughed as she said "try me".

Avi dropped her face as he turned away before saying "show her", one by one they faded into the shadows leaving nothing but their eyes glowing, Sasha waited with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

Once they emerged their original eye colours were gone now replaced with black bottomless pits, teeth sharp, taking confident strides towards her as Avi gripped her chin forcing her to look at him. In an inhuman voice he boomed "this is what you finally see what we have been hiding."

Without a voice Mitch appeared beside her with a large smile showing his perfect white teeth, leaning towards Sasha closer whispering in her ear "this is us...are you scared?" as he laughed moving away from her.

"We need some opinion we won't bite...much" Kirstin said as the others laughed at her comment,

"I'm not scared if that's what you're thinking..just what exactly are you?" Sasha questioned as Kevin stepped forward.

"What we are...people would say 'freaks' or some others would say 'peculiar' but other than that we are perfectly human just we have powers that are passed down in bloodline of many royals whom created a covenant between the five of us our families are connected. Every family possess different power that makes us unique." he explained as Sasha looked at each and everyone of them.

"Let's demonstrate for our dear finder and now protecter" Scott said as his hands laced with Mitch's creating a protective stance over the smaller man.

Avi moved a few steps away from Sasha creating space before he looked at the others in the room, "ladies first" he said as Kirstin walked confidently into the centre of the semicircle before Avi started to explain each one of their powers.

"The lovely Kirstin here has the power of deflect where anything thrown at her is gonna be turned around and hit you right back, one of the five powers of the goddess Lynx in her great words 'those who are fearless are those who conquer' thank you Kirstin." as she made her way back to her spot.

Next up was Scott moving away from Mitch as he looked Sasha up and down waiting for Avi to speak.

"Scott here has the power of strength..not much to say as it is pretty self explanatory thank you Scott" he said as Scott made a quick dash back to Mitch.

"My friend Kevin here has-" Sasha's chair was suddenly pulled forward right up close to Kevin as he lowered his hand, speaking "power of force pull anything towards me and away" as Sasha was now pulled back to her original spot.

"Yes thank you Kevin for the demonstration..Mitchy would you like to-" once again he was stopped as Mitch disappeared then reappeared sitting on Sasha's lap sideways as his arms wrapped around her neck before he spoke.

"Teleportation honey" he gave a small giggle before appearing back to Scott.

"Well that now leaves me I can in fact control minds..I won't do it on you as you have been through enough now any questions?" he asked as Sasha poliety watched everyone demonstrate their power.

"Who is this goddess of Lynx and why am I your newfound protector what do I have that can have the power to protect you?" Sasha spoke.

"You have the power of Onyx who was sister to our goddess as someone like yourself you was born under her moon as we was born under the Lynx moon on the fourth night of the lunar, however was born on the Onyx seventh lunar." Kevin explained.

"I have no idea what that means but OK...and can you untie me please?"

"Yes only if you promise not to run well we can catch you so I don't see that happening" Kevin rambled as he was untying Sasha.

"So your guys are like royalty? As your families are bounded by this covenant thing"

"You know it...they tried to give me the title of prince but I decided Queen." Mitch piped up as Sasha gave him an amused smile watching them slowly as their eye colour started to come through as well as their teeth turning to normal.

"I'm a protector...protecting you from who?"

"It's not who it's it a horrible monster we have been running from him for years want's us as his minions to use us as war weapons....when really we was created to protect but we can't do that when we are a dying breed and under threat...Cassius he goes by." Kevin said as they all began to walk back through a tunnel that leads to the house.

"If you don't mind me asking but how can protect you? I don't have special training let alone powers to help you" Sasha said as they walked through a door that was connected to a secret one that was in the dining room.

"You have heard enough we will talk in the morning" Avi said placing a hand on Sasha's shoulder before walking up the stairs.

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