0.1 - In The Beginning

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Loving a Killer - by Maddie_May01

© All Rights Reserved to Maddie_May01

| Norah |

"Norah, I'm counting on you to go with me. You just have to!" Camille, my best friend from work - and only friend for that matter - whined to me over the phone. I kept the phone held between my shoulder and my ear, as I folded my laundry in my apartment building's shared laundry room. Another tenant came in with a hamper full of clothes and started to do her laundry as well.

"Cami, I'm not going to some stupid work get together. I can already sense the boredom," I told her flat out, ready to stay at home and read, during this chilly, November weather.

"It's not going to be boring, trust me! And it's not a get-together. We're celebrating Jenny's 26th birthday," Cami tried to talk me into it, but I wasn't buying it. I put all of my folded clothes in my hamper.

"You don't even like Jenny," I laughed at her statement, now grabbing the phone and holding it up to my ear more comfortably. I grabbed my hamper in the other hand and rested it on my hip.

"That, I will not deny. But believe it or not, I'm doing this more for you," Cami told me, causing me to furrow my brow as she continued,

"As much as I am going just to have a good time, I also wanted to set you up," She explained, causing me to nearly drop my laundry as I burst into laughter.

"You want to set me up? With who?" I laughed loudly, walking up the staircase to the fourth floor.

"You know who," Cami mocked and she was right. I did have a pretty good idea of who she wanted me to hook up with.

"Cami, there is no way I am hooking up with Will," I informed her in disgust when I said our co-worker's name.

"Oh come on! He's been hitting on you ever since you started working at the office," Cami whined into the phone, once again. I rolled my eyes.

"And I've been sick of that guy's voice ever since I walked in the door," I retorted, and scoffed at the memories of his awful pick-up lines and attempts at being "attractive."

I unlocked my apartment and pushed open the door with my butt. Walking in, I could feel a chill run through me and I furrowed my brow. I wondered if I had left the window open...

I placed my laundry basket down and walked into the main living/dining room, only to see my window closed. The curtains swayed around the window as a breeze caught them. I looked in confusion at them.

"Norah?" I could hear Camille's voice from my phone as I held it farther away from my ear. I looked out onto the fire escape and saw nothing there. I put the phone back up to my ear.

"Fine, I'll go," I answered, knowing well that, as always, Cami would get what she wanted.

"Yay!" She cheered on the other end of the phone. "I'll see you at the club tonight. 10:30 sharp."

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered and hung up.

What was I getting myself into?

• • •

I entered the club, wearing a simple black dress that had, unfortunately, shrank a little since the last time I wore it. Trust me, this scene, or any scene for that matter, was not my thing. I was lucky to find something somewhat-fitting to wear at all.

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