Ch. 36

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Muffled laughter sounded beside me, and I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh as well. Even though it was dark in the pantry, I could see the faint outside of Kai beside me, and I knew we were both about to die of laughter.

"Kai? Tao?" Xiumin voice called out down the hall, and we heard the Kitchen door open. He was getting closer, and our laughing grew louder.

He found us seconds later, light spilling into the dark, temporarily blinding me and Kai. "Why can't you guys listen for once?" He asked, annoyed. "Miss Kim has finished making lunch. Can't you sit still long enough to eat? You can play all you want afterwards." He said.

Before he could say anything else, Kai and I sprinted out of the the pantry, laughing, ducking past him and out of the kitchen. We turned down the hall and ran towards the living room. Turning the corner, I had to skid to a stop when a black cloud appeared before us, and I stood in front of Kai protectively.

We watched as a lady appeared, her hair and clothes strange, and the blood dripping from the cuts splattered onto the wood flooring.

"M-Miss?" I began, and she looked down at me, surprised. "Why are you bleeding?" I asked, worried. A lady shouldn't be hurt like that.

She looked at me, then at Kai, confused. "I..." She began, but stopped when Xiumin walked in.

"Tao! You should know better than to play around when-" Xiumin scolded, then saw the lady and froze. "Are you okay, miss?" He asked, and I looked back at her, only to see her start to cry.

"Kai, go get mommy and daddy." I said, then grabbed the lady's hand and led her to parlor, having her sit down in one of the many chairs. She was still crying when our parents rushed in.

"Oh my!" Mommy said, quickly making her way to the lady's side, and Daddy shooed me from the room, closing the doors once I was out. I just stood there, looking through the key hole, watching the lady cry. I wish I could make her happy, to cheer her up.

Chen and Suho ran up behind me, along with Kyungsoo and Baekhyun. "I heard there is a pretty lady here. Kai said she was bleeding." Suho began, and I pointed at the key hole, letting them look through and see.

"Why is she crying?" Kyungsoo asked, and I shrugged.

"She has a bunch of cuts on her and and legs. They probably hurt really bad." I guessed, and Chen nodded.

"Oh! They're coming! Run!" Suho said from where he stood, looking through the key hole. We all scattered, and I ran down the hall, past the kitchen and upstairs.

I quickly ran to my room, hiding under the other side of my bed in case daddy or mommy saw me and came to scold me for spying on them and the lady. After what felt like hours, I heard a knock on the door, and Miss Kim stepped inside, making her way over to me.

"Young master, your father wishes for you to meet her downstairs in the library. Your brothers have already gathered there as well." She said, then held out her hand. Taking it, she pulled me out from under my bed, dusting off my clothes before leading me from the room.

"Is the injured lady okay?" I asked as we walked downstairs, but Miss Kim didn't reply. Deciding just to follow quietly, it wasn't long before I entered the library, Miss Kim closing the doors behind me.

I took a seat in the only open chair, and we all looked at daddy, staying silent, seeing how worried he looked. After a few minutes, he spoke. "This morning, a young lady made her way to our home." He began. "She has many cuts, but nothing too serious. Your mother is helping her get cleaned up, but we will be leaving on our annual trip soon, which means we won't be here to watch after her while she recovers."

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