Ch. 32

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When I opened my eyes, the evening sun filled my vision, and I shielded my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I rolled onto my side, the green grass beneath me tickling my cheek. The heat of the sun soaked into my skin, stinging, but I didn't care. I was too busy thinking to worry about getting burned.

"He's not really going to die, but the process it pretty similar." Luhan explained.

My head hurt when I remembered what he said two days earlier. I could barely process everything.

"I'm just going to be reborn. Usually a vampire is reborn after suffering serious injuries that they can't heal from. They go into this comatose state and their body sort of...restarts?" Tao began, not sure of how else to explain it. "No matter what happens, I'll be fine. We just aren't sure if the addiction will go away after the 'restart'."

I turned onto my other side, letting out a long sigh. I really didn't understand what being reborn meant. I was afraid for Tao. What if something went wrong?

"You could go too." Tao said, smiling. "If you really want to, you could stay for the whole thing, to make sure everything goes according to plan."

Giving up on getting comfortable, I returned to laying on my back. Then, out of no where, a shadow crossed my face, and I looked up to see Jimin standing in front of me, blocking the sunlight from my face.

"Hey there, grumpy." He grinned, and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey there, shorty." I replied, and he shook his head, laughing.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, sitting down beside me, looking over at the house across the yard.

"I had to get away and think." I explained, and he nodded.

"You could have texted first or something. Jhope was walking past the back door heading to the kitchen for some breakfast when he saw you laying here. He thought you had died or something."

I laughed. "That sounds like Jhope. What did he do?"

"Well, first, he completely freaked out, causing Namjoon and Jungkook to look outside and see you." Jimin laughed. "Jungkook noticed that you looked upset somehow, and they decided to give you some space until I got home."

"How nice." I replied, then grew silent. Jimin noticed, and started to run his hand through my hair, just like he did when we were kids and I was upset. I instantly started to calm down, the simple gesture taking my mind off of everything else.

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