Ch. 33

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Tao's P.O.V

Khristi hadn't left my side since we left the house, even insisting on teleporting with me and Kai, not letting go of my hand once. She refused to let me out of her sight.

"Be careful Khristi, if you hold his hand any tighter, it might break." Jimin said, trying to lighten the mood, but she didn't even notice that he had spoken. He turned to Jungkook, who just watched Khristi sadly, upset that nothing anyone tried was cheering her up.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, and we made our way up the dirt path, the trees and Spanish moss hanging above, shading us as we walked to the large house hidden in the trees. It hadn't been that long since I had been here last, but it felt like years had gone by. Pulling my keys from my pocket, I quickly picked the proper key and unlocked the door, stepping inside, holding the door open for the fourteen others who filed in after Khristi and I.

It was strange, I had never imagined having so many people here. Out of all my brothers, Kai was the only other person who had ever been here before, and he had only ever stopped by once every few months, just to see how I was doing. Smiling, I decided to show everyone around since they'd be staying here for the next few days.

"The living room is through there." I said as I closed the door, pointing through the foyer to a room with a wall made of glass, looking out at a garden which has become slightly overgrown over the year I had been gone. "Then the kitchen and dining room are on the other side of that. Oh, and Luhan, the library is down the hall here." I explained, pointing to the other side of the foyer where the glass hall spot of to the other side of the house.

As I spoke, everyone started to explore, wandering around through the first floor, Luhan quickly going down the hall to the library, Jungkook and Kris following him. Meanwhile, Chanyeol and Baekhyun found the door leading to the garden, and had dragged Kyungsoo and Natasha outside with them. The others found themselves a place to sit in the living room, some on the couch, others on the benches that lined the room.

Khristi just stayed beside me, which I had expected, and I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, only receiving a tiny half smile in return. "Okay." I said, turning to face her. "We have told you a hundred times already. You don't have to worry. Suga had already explained the whole process to you step by step, twice, and the guys have been practicing their parts for the last two weeks. Everything is going to be fine." I said, but she still looked at me, worried. I sighed, "Promise me you'll at least try to enjoy yourself? Technically, this is a vacation. Once we finish with the whole being reborn thing, we will still be here for a few days. I promised you we'd go to the beach after I wake up, and then there is the waterfall that I want to show you too."

As I listed all the little things I has planned, I saw Khristi smile more and more, already thinking about exploring the island. I kissed her happily on the lips, and she blushed, clearly not expecting me to do that. I laughed. "Now you better keep smiling like that. You are much more beautiful when you smile."

She smiled even more, and I relaxed, happy to see her in a good mood again. "Okay." She replied.

Now that she was back to normal, I led her to the living room, only to see the guys messing around, as usual. "Guys, this is my house, remember? Don't go breaking anything." I warned, but they were too busy to pay attention.

I grinned, and shook my head in amusement, taking a seat in a black recliner. Khristi looked around for a place to sit, but the others were taking up the sofa and the benches so there was no where for her. I gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto my lap, some of the guys noticing this, and they pretended to gag. Khristi on the other hand was blushing a bright red.

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