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The gunshot echoes throughout the room.
Ringing fills my ear as pain fills my stomach.
I wobble down onto my weak knees & then my entire body falls onto the hard-core ground.

I end up laying my entire body to the side until somebody turns me face-up.
I couldn't even see who it was since the light of the moon was blinding me.
Just like in a dentist's office.........
I could hear voices echoing throughout the entire area.
The stars were twinkling in the far distant.

Did you guys know this was gonna happen? They say stars represent the past, present, & you?

I cough up a pool of blood while the stars stayed quiet.
They twinkled like little diamonds on a crown or Christmas lights.

I'm gonna be one of you very soon.......
You know.....I always believed once a living being dies.....they'd turn into a beautiful star up in the sky.
That god adds them into the big that they can look down at their love ones.

How did this happen anyways?
What caused all this?
Where did it all begin?
Wait.....Oh yeah....I all started that faithful autumn day.............


Hello everyone, my name is Lauryn......Lauryn Grisdale.
I'm 17, a senior in high school, barely have any chest or ass & I'm ok with that.
I have caramel skin, curly/short brown hair, & brown eyes.
I have a piercing on my nose as well.
I draw but don't like to show them to people & get straight As in school.
I'm not part of any social group or have any friends.

But, I always have the two best people in the whole the world that I always look forward to meeting when I get parents!
One of my dads is a lawyer & the other one runs a flower shop.
And yes before you start freaking out, they are gay.
One of my dads, the lawyer, Shane Grisdale, is my actual father.
Him & my other dad, George Grisdale, love each other very much.
They had a friend named, Christie, which is my mom, who felt bad for them because they couldn't consume a baby.
She was so thoughtful & supportive of their relationship, that they all agreed that, Shane, would carry his sperm in her.
My mother gladly helped them consume a child, which was me, & give birth.
Sadly, she died while giving birth but somehow, I survived.
Both of my dads were so grateful that my mother gave her life to help them have a child of their own.
My dads & I always visit her grave at least once a week.
Both of my fathers are actually Korean but, my mother was African American.
So I'm mixed with...Korean & African American.
But overall, I am very close with my dads.

Even though George my other dad, isn't blood-related to me, I am more close to him than my actual dad tbh.
I even help work at his flower shop late at night around 5:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m.
But only on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday.
Oh! And one more thing before I forget, I hav-

*Bell Rings*

The school bell rings signaling that class is over & it's time to go home....finally.🙄🙄🙄

I close my Social Studies notebook & pack everything up.
As I stood up, everyone just zoomed outta the class & bumped into me not even saying sorry.
Ugh! How rude these people are.....assholes........

"Lauryn, can you stay for a bit? I need to talk to you about your last quiz.", Mr. Martos asked.
I nod my head to signify "yes".
"Great! Now, I would like to show you your score.", he exclaims handing me my quiz from last time.
I look at the paper & see a big 100% on the top right.
Another 100.....again.
I handed Mr. Martos the sheet back & smiled a bit.
"Ms. Grisdale, I wanted to discuss with you about your drawings. You draw on every sheet I hand you. You are a smart, talented young lady, but please, stop drawing on my test papers. Do we have an agreement?", he stated.
Excuse me, I like drawing for your information, you can't just take that awa-no, calm down Lauryn, just smile & & nod.......
I smile & nod.
"Oh good!😁Now, have a nice day Ms. Grisdale.", he states going back to his work.
I nod again & leave the classroom walking down the hallways of the almost empty prison (school) clutching tight on the end strap of my book bag.

Now, you may be wondering why you haven't heard me talk this whole time.....well, let me finish my words from earlier.

I am mute......

I do not choose to be mute or have been in an accident that has caused me to be, I was born like this.
My doctor says that I may have physical muteness, which means that I have something wrong with my vocal chords or something like that, but they can't find anything wrong.
This muteness usually affects people understand words or pictures but not me.
Thank god if I get sick, I can still cough because that would've been another situation we'd have to deal with.
Anyways, I cannot scream, talk, or whisper.
Nobody in my mother's family or my actual father's family have ever been mute.
Because of this condition, I picked up sign language, even though I'm not deaf.
My dads wanted me to go to a regular school & not a deaf school so that I can interact with society....clearly, that's not working at all. I actually sometimes wish that I could go to a deaf school than hearing rude comments from irrelevant people at my school.
Anyways, I only use sign language sometimes around my dads because they understand but not at school cause I still haven't met a person who does understand.

Oh well, welcome! This is my life.
And now I have to walk & walk 20 minutes to get home & start doing my homework.

To Be Continued.....

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