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Siyeon's POV

I woke up, early in the morning. Even though it was early, I got up since I couldn't go back to sleep. I carefully went to my bathroom, and washed up before sitting down on my bed. I stared outside my window. That pain. The pain I felt yesterday night. What should I do? My...My time is coming. I heavily sighed. I know I have to find...him before...I go, but how? This is soo confusing. What am I meant to do? I can't not find him. I don't want to...go. I don't. Should I tell them?.....No. It's too soon and early, all I should do now, is wait. But will oppa be mad that I didn't tell him? No. I'm sure he would understand, as I'm not the one controlling anything. But I can't do anything about it.

"Lost in thought?" Someone asked me.

I looked at the direction where it came from, and saw Tae oppa.

"Oh, Tae oppa. Why are you up soo early?" I asked him.

"I should ask you the same too." He replied, while smiling.

"Oh. Well I got up, but couldn't go back to sleep."

"Same." He said.

He sat down next to me.

"How's your legs?" He casually asked.

"It's alright. Hurts a little, but I can manage." I told him.

"How are you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked with confusion written all over my face.

"I mean about everything. I know he was one of your best friends and you technically grew up with him." He explained, while I blinked at him.

"You...you heard?"

He laughed a little.

"I know I don't listen, and I am in my own world, but I do listen you know. I'm still human." He smiled.

This was a new side I saw of him. He's usually the weird alien, who says random things and makes everyone crack up on how unusual he is. That's what makes him unique.

"I'm fine. I'll just have to get used to it that's all. He will always be with me. At least I met him one last time before he left." I smiled.

"Is that where you got that necklace?"

"Ooh, you have a sharp eye. Yeah, he gave it to me. Inside is pictures of me and him when we were younger."

"Ooh, I want to see."


"Yes please." He grinned.

I opened my locket, and my childhood pictures started showing. Me and him both laughed at my funny, yet cute moments. There were soo many silly pictures. Of course I didn't show him all of my pictures as they were embarrassing.

"You were soo cute when you were young." He exclaimed.

"I'm sure everyone was." I smiled.

"This is nice you know." I added on.

"What do you mean?"

"Having a conversation like this. We've never talked to each other like this before."

"That's true." He said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Er, Tae oppa. Is anything bothering you? I mean, why did you come to my room, if you don't mind me asking?"

"No...not really. Just wanted to see you." He said.

I instantly looked at him.

"To see if you were fine." He immediately replied.


"Because we both can't go back to sleep. Why don't we both go outside for a walk?" I suggested.

"Would it be okay for you?" He asked out of concern.

He's worried, aww!!

"Of course. I'll be fine. Plus, if I need help, you're there aren't you?"

He nodded while smiling.

I quickly just put my hoodie and changed my trousers to jeans, before putting my sneakers on and before heading downstairs. Obviously I carefully went down.

I saw Tae oppa and we both went out. We walked side by side, as the sun was slowly rising. It was breathtaking. The view was beautiful.

"Siyeon smile!" Tae oppa said, while putting an arm around my shoulders.

I showed the v sign and he took a picture with me, with the sun rise in the background.

"Send me that please." I told him, and he did.


After walking for a while, I felt like my energy was getting drained out. It wasn't that bad. I was just in the middle of talking to Tae oppa, when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I clutched my chest, and kneeled on the ground, as it was painful.

"Siyeon! Siyeon gwaenchanha?" He said.

It quickly went away.

"Yeah, I'm fine...Nothing to worry about." I told him.

My legs were buckling, and my eyes felt droopy. Tae oppa stood in front of me.

"Siyeon, come on." He told me.

"I'm fine." I said.

He shook his head and pulled me onto his back.

"Just do what I say."

"Okay." I said in a whispered voice.

He carried me all the way back home, went up the stairs to my room. He tucked me in bed, before kissing my forehead and leaving my room. I need to recharge. I didn't really go sleep because of my pain. I kept thinking about it....

#Hey!!!!!! Hello everyone. Sorry for the slow update. I know everyone is in a bad mood because of the US election, but hey, let my book cheer you up. As well as listen to a lot of BTS, and your spirits will be high. BTS always makes me happy, they're are my medicine :)

Sorry, that may be cringy. ;)

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! ^_^

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! ^_^

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