Rose kept her palm on Jade’s hand and said, “I understand.”

“But you should know that I’m here for you Jade. You can trust me, yeah?”She said, eager to watch her open up her problems. But Jade was not ready for that just yet.

“I know Rose.” She said, and pulled her hand away from underneath her palm and folded her hands on her chest. Rose pulled her hand back and laid them on her lap not knowing what to say. After a few minutes of silence, Rose spoke again.

“When I was your age, I had a million problems running in and around me, I was left all alone to look after myself and never had anyone to speak or share my feelings with. Each day that I spent without Alex and my family were pure nightmare for me, and each day got harder to survive than the previous day.” she said and took a deep breath, observing the statue of the saviour. “and hence, I know how important it is for one to speak out about the things that are troubling them. I am here for you Jade, I will tell this again and again. I want to help you.” She said, and looked expectantly towards Jade who just looked at the statue. When Rose did not get any reply, she straightened herself and sighed.

“Are you scared of Mr. Alexander?” she asked, in a soft voice.

Rose immediately turned towards her and knitted her eyes at this question. “if I was scared, I wouldn’t be living with that man.” She turned her head away and continued. “I was scared of him, but not now. At present, I’m scared for him."

"I don’t see a proper reason for you to stay with someone who can attract a lot of danger towards you. Please don’t take this in any other way. I’m just concerned about you.” She spoke, without actually understanding the depth of Roseanne’s words. Rose did not reply to her statement, and just sat there, feeling a dangerous rage build up inside her.

 “Rose, if I were you, I would never live with a mafia don. He is a cold blooded murderer and there are people who would be rooting for your life too. Why do you want to live with him?” she asked, as she turned towards Rose and directly looked at her.

“you are right in a way Jade. But you wouldn’t know why I’m doing all this, until you get to face love.”Rose smiled and looked towards her left to find Jade looking at her seriously.

“I have been asked the same question multiple times by my mind. But every time, I emerge from that dig with only one answer; and that is love. My love for him is stronger than any other destructive thoughts and words.” She paused, indicating that those words were meant for her. “and that is the only thing I am ready to fight for. I can fight for him. It’s not a love that was built for a year or two, Jade. He’s been in my heart since memory begins. That’s the bond built in a childhood love; It never vanishes.”

“I think you should go with someone who loves you and can keep you safe. Being safe is more important than love. You can love anyone.” She retaliated. Rose kept quiet again.

She chuckled and turned her head to look at the Lord. “You would never understand. One can find safety only in love.”

“He’s not any normal love Jade. He’s my first love, a kind of love whose spark never fades, a kind of love that pulls me closer even in his absence, a kind of love that one can never let go of...” a kind of love that I can fight for. I can fight for him.

As soon as these words struck her mid, her eyes light up with some kind of realisation and she smiled with happiness.

“I don’t know Rose, please don’t...”

“Are you trying to separate us, Jade, because your words clearly indicate that.” She pulled her eyebrows together and looked at her with contempt in her eyes

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