Chapter 20

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Here is the next part. sorry for the long update

Chapter 20

Zayn pov (surprise!)

Me and Gigi walk into hospital holding hands. Being married to Gigi is amazing! We moved in together, we haven't had any fights. This relationship couldn't get any better! We find our way to the desk lady so we can fill out her papers. She was nice. Brown straight hair, beautiful eyes. She reminded me of Harry's mum. I look at her name tag, it read 'Anne'. The lady handed Gigi the clipboard without looking up. "Thanks Anne!" I smiled and waved as we walked away. "Your welcome Zayn."

We sat down and Gigi filled out all of her papers. There were quite a lot. She looked up and smiled when she noticed me staring at her. She then got up and walked away with the clipboard, so she could give it to Anne. Not long after a nurse walked out calling for Gigi and I with her.

We winded down the hall to be led into a small room. Gigi sat on the bed with paper on it. I sat in the extra chair in the corner. The nurse did all the check-up stuff. Weight, height, that thing that wraps around your arm. The nurse soon left. When the door closed, Gigi jumped down from the bed and sat on my legs. First we touched foreheads. "How are you feeling?" I questioned barely above a whisper even though no one was around to hear our conversation. "For the millionth time already I'm fine I just need something to be looked at."

The doctor entered before I could ask her what. " Hello Ms. Malik!" He said a little so cheery. Then Gigi got up off my lap and sat on the bed again. " Hi doctor Sheeran." As they kept talking I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I pull out my phone to see a text from Harry. I open it.

To: Zaynie!

From: Haz

Where are you?

You said you would be at my house 35 minutes ago

What happened man?

To: Haz

From: Zaynie!

I'm at the doctors with Gigi. I'll be there at 7. Sorry.

Harry didn't answer back. I look up and tuned back into the conversation that the doctor and Gigi were having. But when I could hear what they were saying, their conversation stopped. "Babe I will be right back." Then Gigi and the doctor left the room with no other info. I shrugged it off and was about to pull out my phone when the door opened.

A little girl no older than 8 walked in. She was dressed in a too big of hospital gown with a teddy bear in her left hand. "Hi I'm Darcy," she smiled and held out her right hand for me to shake. " I'm Zayn." I say shaking her hand. " So what are you here for?" She questioned jumping on the hospital bed and criss-crossing her legs. "I'm here with my wife. She needed to get a check up and have something to be looked at, when I asked her what she laughed but I don't know what's so funny. What are you doing here?" I finished my ramble and wanted to change the subject. "Oh, I'm here with brain cancer. They say I'll live through it, but I want to make the most with my days." That made me frown. How could such a small little child say that about themselves. "That is very sad to hear. I'm sorry." I put a smile on my face, but it fades. "Don't be. It's not your fault." I let that linger in the air and didn't say anything else.

idk if Darcy should come back. Do you guys want her to?

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