Chapter 3

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Hey so, this chapter is really short, but my friends wanted some sort of smut, so here it is. It isn't that bad of smut, so if you don't like smut your fine. But if you do like smut enjoy. I just realized i use the word enjoy a lot.

 Chapter 3

* Louis climbs onto Harry, going into an intense kiss* " mmmhhh, I've never felt that before." *Smirks* " Well anything for my Hazza." * They make out for a while, Louis grinding up on Harry's body, quickly getting hard* I will do anything to you Lou!

*Harry notices and grinned, as he got hard too* *Louis felt Harry get hard and grabbed Harry's dick* * Harry moaned and pulled him tighter, grabbing Louis dick too*

*Harry let go and grabbed Louis' bum* "mmmmm" * Louis moaned while Harry was taking off Louis' shirt* * Harry's hands slowly moved up Louis' body giving him chills*Wanting more he started lowering his head under the covers opening his mouth for his hard dick

*Buzz buzz* "Shit that's my mom... she will be here by 6:00" "Okay, so we still have time to keep going?" "Yes, but we will have to move it into the kitchen." "Will you tell your mom that we're together?" "Ummm, yeah, I guess." "Awwww Harry" *Louis says while tackling Harry to the ground and kissing him. Harry grabs their shirts* " Come on Lou, we need to get down stairs, my mom is always early."

Um yeah sorry for how short it is I guess wasn't meaning to make it that short it was just kinda a filler I guess.

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