Chapter 5

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Hey so here is the next chapter I hope you like it!

Chapter 5

So you know how I said Zayn was getting married, well he's getting married in OCTOBER! This month, and he didn't tell me, or anyone. That makes me angry. Well I got the invitation today in the mail. They look really nice. He's getting married October 22nd. That so close. Today the 20th of October. It's less than a week away, and  I still need to get a new suit just for the wedding. I will need to ask Harry to be my date, but I will need to make it romantic, but how?

So I figured out how to be romantic. It's going to be so sweet and lovely. No one will expect it. But I will need to confirm it with Zayn and the headmaster of the school. Hopefully they will both say yes and it will actually happen.

I told Zayn on what I was going to do. He of course said yes because he is awesome. But I will need to go to the school today and ask the headmaster. I really hope it will get to happen. But I still need to be a good friend and not make this wedding all about me. After all there is only one year of school left.

At School

"Hey I'm just going to go to the bathroom, k babe." "Okay be back soon Louis." *Louis runs to the bathroom to change then up the stairs and to the office* "It's time everyone. Where's the mic?" "Over there sweetheart. And I hope this goes well for you." "Thanks." 

Yeah a super short chapter. They will get longer, I promise.What do you think is going to happen? Leave what you think in the comments.

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