Chapter 16

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This is one of my longer chapters. Hope you like it. 

Chapter 16

We decided on Nando's. Well Niall said that he would pay if he got to say where we would go. Of course Harry and I agreed because we don't have much money, and Niall always offers where we go. When we finally get out of there it was 15 minutes until the party starts. We pull up to Niall's house and people are already outside. "What the fuck Niall, how many people did you invite to your party. There are already like 17 people at your house knocking at your door." I turn my head to look at Niall to see what he is going to say. "I didn't think people would be here that early." Niall said in reply with a shrug.

The party is in full swing now. At least 65 people are here and people keep showing up. Me and Harry haven't been drinking much, just not that type of day. Me and Harry were standing next to each other. "I'll be right back. I want to see who is here." All Harry did was nod his head.

I started through the crowd, making my way through drunk idiots. I felt my arm get tug. When I turned around to see who it was, it was Liam. "Hey." I say meeting his gaze. "Sooo. Niall is pretty drunk out there, should I make my move?" He's pretty serious about it. " Niall is the type of person that doesn't remember the morning after being drunk." I say truthfully. "Yeah, but he's so vulnerable out there dancing." Liam says looking out to the crowd where Niall was dancing with some girl he didn't know. "You know what, no, I'm going out there to dance with him, even if he makes a move or not, he's still my friend." I just shrugged Liam stormed off kinda angry but determined. He pulled that girl away from Niall and started dancing like how the girl was dancing with him. Which really he just started grinding on him. I don't think Niall noticed that the girl he was dancing with was gone. Yes, Niall is that drunk and probably high that he didn't noticed that the people switched. Niall laced his arms around Liam's body and brought him closer than they already were.

The song that was just playing ends and my favorite song comes on 'Midnight Memories'. I turn to see who was playing it, just to see one of my close friends, Zayn, waving at me cause he knew I love that song. I start to walk over to him but to get pulled aside by this girl.

"What the hell Louis. I was dancing with Niall who I think I have a chance with, by Liam dancing with him now. I don't get it, what is going on?" It was my friend Danielle. I turn my head to look at them while she is talking, only to see Liam getting even closer to Niall with every move. "Well, Liam also thinks he has a chance with Niall because Liam was talking about him with me and then stormed off because I told him that he shouldn't make his move on a drunk Niall." I explain a little too quick, cause she has a confused look on her face. "Wait Liam is gay!!" Oops, I don't think I was supposed to tell people about Liam being gay. "Ummm, yeah?" I say questionably because I felt a bit guilty because I just told her when I wasn't supposed to. "Well then... I guess I'm going to dance with a different drunk guy that likes to grind up on me." She said that with a cheesy smile as she walks away.

The next second I feel someone on my back almost knocking me down. Then I feel a big wet kiss on my neck knowing it's Harry. He gets off my back and I turn around. "Let's go dance!" Harry is a bit tipsy and I can tell he had a few shots while I was socializing. I could tell he was tipsy cause he always likes to dance while he is a bit drunk. We head to the dance floor, where Liam and Niall were dancing, or more of dry-humping eachother. People were walking with with shots and handing them out. I had at least 5 and Harry maybe 7. We were wasted. Li didn't have many, but Niall just got more drunk. Poor Niall in the morning.

The party finally ended at 4:30 or so in the morning and we crashed out on the dance floor. At least the 4 of us, we didn't know where Zayn went. He's probably with Gigi in one of the bedrooms in Niall's house. All I know is that I was laying on my boyfriend Harry with my head in the crook of his neck breathing in his smell.

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