Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Thanks for coming back and reading the second chapter. I was listening to this while I was writing, so yeah. I hope you enjoy! P.S Sorry for all of the POV changing, it was just how I wrote it and it will change just depending on how I feel.

Chapter 2

Harry POV

We are going up to Louis' room and 'hanging out'! *Enters room* "Wow, your room is especially dirty, nice" "Oh, is it really that bad, my mum says I need to clean it. I don't think so and now I'm not cause you said it was nice." * Talks really fast* "Hee Hee" *Looks away awkwardly* " Hey don't be so nervous, it's okay" *Kisses Louis* "mmmh, didn't expect that." "Well anything for my nervous Lou boo."

Louis POV

*Kisses Harry* "You only came over so we could make out right?" "Maybe"*smirks* "That's so cute Hazza. I love you" *smiles* *Cracks a smile* " I love you too. Wait, Is your mom here?" "Uhhhhhh, no why would she, I live alone." "Okay, good" Harry says between kisses. They kissed for a while exploring each others mouths. Louis' hand slid up Harry's torso. Louis had never felt someone so well fit and large at such a young age. Harry craved more, but suddenly Louis got off of Harry. "What are you doing?" "Nothing, i just need to ask you something." " Anything..., what?" " Have you done this before?" *Harry props up on his elbows* "No" *smirks* " Okay good, just making sure." *Walks back over to Harry, climbing back on top of him* " Wait have you?" "No, that's why I asked."

* Knock Knock* "Who is it?" "Who do you think Louis, it's your mother." "Well you don't live here so I don't know. Uhhhhh come in I guess." " Ohhhhhh, who is this? I haven't met them before." " Uhhhhh mom, this is Harry, he's a friend." *winks at Harry* "Hun I saw that wink, he's your boyfriend, isn't he?" *Blushes* "Mooooooommmmmmm" " Awwww he is, how sweet." *Turns to Harry* " Have fun with him, he's adorable." *Louis turns bright red* "Can you leave now, we are trying to do homework." "Well have fun." *Winks*

"Well that was embarrassing." "Yeah.... Is your mom always like that?" " What, always so embarrassing, of course she is." " So... continue?" " No but i really want too, that was awkward, and she's here now, she also might here us, you know." *smirks* "So what do you want to do now?" " Could we go to your house?" "Uhhhh maybe, my mom might be home. I can call her." * Harry steps into the bathroom, calling his mom* he realised he really loved Harry a lot.

Harry POV

" Uhh, hey mom. You home?" "No, why?" " Me and Louis are going to our house, to do homework." " Ummm, I don't know who Louis is but, okay, don't eat all the food." "Okay, we won't, thanks, bye." "Bye"

Louis POV

*Hangs up* "Yes!" "We can go, i'm assuming?" " Yeah we can, let's go!" *Walks down stairs* "Hey mom, we are going to go to Harry's house to do homework now. He only came here cause my house is closer." " Okay come back when you're done." " Okay, bye mum." "Bye sweetie, have fun with your boyfriend!" "Oh I will." * Louis said while blushing* " Okay... let's go." *Louis opens the door, and Harry walks out* " Would you like to take the car or bus?" " Wait, you drive?" " Yeah, so you want to take the car?" "Yeah!" Harry nods his head wildly. They get in the car and start driving. Louis looks over to see the attractive figure of Harry in his sexy ass car.

They pull up to Harry's house and get out " Well this is my house, messy as usual." *Harry runs up the stairs and unlocks the door* *They step in together. Harry runs upstairs* "Follow me!" *Louis runs upstairs after him, he walks into Harry's room, and see's Harry laying on his bed, shirtless* "Oh what is this, how romantic." " Well anything for my Lou, and my mom ain't here."

That time we played Never have I ever (L.S)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin