» The Stranger You Never Thought You'd Meet «

Start from the beginning

"What about dinner?" Shut up Niall. I squeak in surprise at what my own voice betrayed me and said.

He slowly turns again, "Excuse me, Niall?"

Ok, I can do dinner, dinner makes sense. "What if we went over to the restaurant and I bought you dinner. Nothing weird or anything, just something to get you out of the cold. Unless whatever you're waiting for is going to be here soon, then I understand. But if it's not, you might as well come inside with me, I'm starved."

"You want to take me in there for some steak and eggs?" He chuckles, I'm sure at my expense, but I'm in too deep and can't be bothered with that right now.

"Um, yeah. If that's what you'd like. Or a parfait. Whatever you want."

"Big spender," he says under his breath, and I'm about done with this snarky attitude.

"Look mate, I just saw you out here, I thought you looked cold and thought I would ask if you wanted some company, heat, and dinner. My mistake for trying to be nice," I say, very sternly I might add, and turn around to leave.

"Wait, Niall. I'm sorry. You're serious aren't you?"

I look at him incredulously. "Yeah I'm serious. Why would I not be serious? Are you coming or what?"

He shakes his head, probably at the both of us and replies, "Yeah, mate, I'm coming."

At dinner, if you want to call it that at midnight, we are sat in relative silence.

"What's your name?" I realize I definitely didn't get his at any point.

"Liam," he responds.

"Liam," I repeat to myself. "Nice name."

"Thanks," he says a bit sarcastically. He's lucky he's good looking because so far he's been a bit of an arse.

I'm not good at silence, I've never been good at silence and I'm nervous and awkward. So in an attempt to ease one of these things, I start talking, I don't stop. I find myself talking about every ridiculous story I can think of, including the hound that tried to have sex with the chicken. Should I have gone into graphic detail on that one? Probably not. At this point am I probably rambling? Absolutely. Is there anything I can do to stop it? I'm in too deep to even attempt. I dare to look up at Liam when I've sufficiently picked through my pancakes and see him looking at me with something that looks like disbelief. That's better than earlier when he was all nonchalance and unforgiving stares.

He interrupts me midsentence while I was discussing a game of hide and seek I tried to play with the donkeys. "You're for real right now aren't you?" I'm a bit taken aback. "Like, this isn't an act at all. You really are this crazy?"

Oh... I'd rather not take this as an insult so I laugh. "Nah, mate. Can't make this stuff up. This is me, 100% genuine right here." He laughs into his coffee and I swear I hear him say 'cute,' with which my eyes go wide and I have to look down in hopes he doesn't see me go as red as a tomato.

"You don't do this often do you?"

"Do what? Pick up strangers at truckstops to try and make sure they don't freeze to death?"

"And then tell them about the time you walked in on grandma self pleasuring with one of the farm tools?"

Oh my gosh, I must be heavily medicated, I can't believe I told him that story. "No, that's not a story I tell just anyone Liam."

"So I'm getting the good stuff then?" He says behind a smile, and he hooks his ankle with mine.

"Only the best," I say with my megawatt smile, and enjoy the smile that Liam returns.

Niam SmutWhere stories live. Discover now