Demons in Stormwind

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"Kill? No no you're not going to kill her-" Khadgar snapped, reaching to get Fain back on her feet but was pushed aside by Lothar.

The King knelt down in front of her. Fain stayed still as she could feel his eyes on her as she remained with her head down. Extending his hand, Lothar tipped her chin up to him so her face was visible. A lump passed her throat as Fain felt her stomach churn and hands become clammy but she kept her eyes squeezed shut.

"Open your eyes," Lothar growled out his command. Obeying without question the woman's slate eyes fluttered open and locked with his green ones. Fain's lips parted slightly as she took in a shallow breath but didn't flinch while Lothar scanned her pupils. Satisfied with what he sought or didn't seek, he let go of her chin and backed away, "You're clean, but, you were the one to break the lock just now? Did you put the sleeping spell on my mage?" Lothar demanded, his firm stare not leaving her as Fain slowly rose back on two feet.

"My people can naturally access fel without being apart of the Legion, I can fight and use magic but I did not use that strong sleep spell on the mage," Fain's voice did not falter as she looked right at the taller man to answer his questions.

"Then who?" Lothar tipped his chin in her direction, skeptical of her claims.

"The Shadow Council is just Gul'dan's-" Khadgar began speaking without giving Fain an opportunity to answer.

"NOT, you Khadgar," Lothar shut him up with one stern glance. Reluctant he bit his tongue and stepped down not wanting to give Lothar a reason to distrust her. Looking back on to Fain, Lothar waited for an answer.

Fain closed her eyes taking in a breath to settle her stomach, in less than twenty four hours she'd been betrayed by her teachings, betrayed her own allegiance and certainly doomed her family once word got out that they raised a traitor. But Fain regardless gave a nod and spoke ever so clearly, "Athrikus serves our Lord Fel'dan. Who in turn sits alongside Gul'dan and his control of the orc horde. When Gul'dan came to power over the orc hordes, he moved on to our regions of our shared world. Gul'dan knew my people could harness fel but we never trained to use it. Fel'dan made a pact with that monster, a seat with him amongst the legion in return he built up my people to train and fight with Gul'dan's monsters." Pressing her lips together, Fain drew in a breath for a moment. Fighting with herself to go and tell him about her sister and everything else. Khadgar had urged her to tell Lothar everything she'd presented him with. But how personal it felt opening up once more to this man was much more nerve wracking than prior with the mage. Not wanting to chance Lothar distrust, Fain knew it was better to heed Khadgar's suggestion and she continued, "I was the only one in my family to be able to produce and manipulate fel but I was too young and my eldest sister lied so they would take her away. It wasn't long until she couldn't withstand their trainings and she died." Fain could feel Khadgar's hand slip against her back, giving some sense of reassurance as the woman licked her lips and felt the lump in her throat once more, "I was taken away and threatened if I didn't do my best then I would watch my family be slaughtered as sacrifice to Gul'dan's demons to set an example about staying true to the horde." Now she couldn't help it and wiped away one stray tear beading on her lashes, "Fel'dan.....he promised that Gul'dan could bring my sister back, all I had to do was be strong enough to give her soul stone life...I had to take life to give hers back..." Fain's hands became clammy and she tried to pad them down on the front of her dirty tunic, "I found out that was a lie last night when your Guardian had to remove the fel grub from my seal."

Sliding her tunic off her shoulder once more, Fain brushed over it with a tender hand and looked over at Lothar, "He said he through it into the fire and there was no soul stone...there was no promise from those monsters. I'm just a weapon."

Babel's Magic-Khadgar FanFicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن