"She wanted to finish a file she had started before she went."

Ceaser nodded and smiled at her before he left. Alice stood there shocked.

"Did he just smile?" She asked herself.

Ceaser got into the elevator and pushed the button to the ground floor.

He was left with only one option.

Jules waited for her food patiently as she typed away on her phone in response to Santos' enraging messages. He wanted the files he had sent to her desk and she hadn't even gotten started on them.

She had joined Andy and Sofi when they were almost done with their lunch and they waited a few minutes with her before they left a while ago with an extremely sleepy Ivy. Jules stared out of the glass wall looking out at the busy road, which at that moment seemed interesting than anything Santos had to say. She had started to get lost in her thoughts when suddenly, the chattering around her stopped. Everyone in her peripheral was looking behind her, at the entrance.

Someone important probably just walked in.
She thought as she got back to watching the road but then she had this sudden feeling in her chest that she couldn't place.

"Is this seat taken?" Ceaser asked when he got to her table and Jules froze in place.

How could she have forgotten the way he made her feel or how his presence made her heart skip a beat, then race faster with every second he got closer to her. She should have known he was the cause of whatever feeling she had.

She shut her eyes and cursed, then slowly she turned away from the busy road and looked up at him. A small smile played on Ceaser's lips.

His lips...
Jules sighed inwardly
...No! Don't!

"No." Jules said before she got her head more messed up than it already was with thoughts of him and threw herself at him without remembering their last encounter.

Ceaser sat across from Jules with a full-on smile like he had won a trophy. Jules tried hard not to stare but it wasn't an easy task. She saw him smirk which made her pull her gaze away from him.

"What are you doing here?" Jules asked ignoring his gaze on her.

"The same thing you are."

"This doesn't seem like your kind of place."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"You eat at fancy restaurants and not little ones like this."

"Well, change is good." He said not being able to take his gaze off of her, he sighed. "Look Jules..."

The waitress arrived with her order then.

"Here you go, Jules." Amanda - the waitress – said in that southern accent of hers.

"Thanks, Amanda." Jules smiled at her and caught her eyeing Ceaser.

Jules noticed Ceaser didn't even give her a single glance.

"Hey, pretty boy." Amanda said to him "I haven't seen you walk in here since you took over that publishing company."

"Been busy." Ceaser said plainly his gaze still on Jules.

"Wanna go out some time?"

Jules wanted to wince at her directness.

Ceaser looked up at Amanda then smiled.

If this feeling she had was called Jealousy, then she didn't want it. She freaking hated it. It was digging deep into her chest as she watched them flirt...

Her Adopted Baby's DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now