"No, this was different. At first I had a small head ache but then my heart rate increased along with my temperature or so it felt like it. Then after that, Royce turned into  human and looked at me oddly, and Aron did too. Perhaps they know something." I said hoping that I didn't seem weird.

 "Ok. Is that all. Nothing else happened?" He asked.

"I don't think so, I just remember that I felt an urge to do something but I don't remember what." I said hoping that would be enough information. 

"Ok. I'm going to take a little bit of your blood and do a couple ore tests." Elliot said while standing up.

Just as he said, he took out a needle and prepared my arm, first cleansing the area that would be pricked.

"On the count of three ok?" Eliot said readying the needle.

"Ok."  I said and closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"One, two, three." I said along with him.

I waited a few moments, waiting for the pain, but I felt nothing. 

"When are you going to do it?" I asked while opening my eyes. I looked at my arm to see the needle was already in and he was almost done taking out the blood. He gently took out the needle and put a band-aid where it had entered.

"Sorry I lied to you. The needle went in at one." Elliot said with a smile. I smiled back with a light laugh. His smile was soft and gentle making me feel butterflies and then once again my heart began racing as the room became hotter and hotter.

"Its happening again." I said. His smile vanished as he laid me down on the couch hurriedly getting an ice pack and lying it on my forehead.

"I haven't ran the diagnostics yet so I don't know how to make it stop at the moment so please just hang on. I think this is another transformation in your body involving the animal blood but this one doesn't have anything to do with outwards appearance. I think this is a hormonal change, like that of a cat or dog when they change from a baby to an adult." He said quickly looking for the results of my tests on his computer. Once again, I began to feel an urge but before I could recognize what it was, my vision went hazy and I passed out.

Once I regained consciousness, I was in my room. When I mean my room, I literally mean my room in my house.

What happened? I thought I was in Elliot's lab. I sat up feeling light headed and found water along with a pill on my desk with a note beside the both.

The note read:

We will explain everything to you when you are ready and are felling better. For now, be sure to take the pill beside the glass of water. Elliot made it to help you try to control your "urges" so to say. We will be waiting for you down stairs when you are ready so get lots of rest and drink all of the water, its good for you. P.S Andrew and Elliot now live here too. While we were away, Andrew had already planned to remodel the house so now there are extra rooms. 


They remodeled my house?! I sat up and quickly took the pill while drinking the whole bottle of water. I hurriedly ran out my door to see two rooms which wern't there before. What? When did they do this. My head hurt a little for moving around to quickly and I decided stressing over something that I couldn't change wouldn't matter. Besides, whats wrong with getting an upgraded house for free.

I heard loud people talking and I made my way to the living room. Everything there was the same which made me feel relieved since it reminded me of old times.

"Ellie!" Royce exclaimed. Everyone turned toward me and I smiled.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked jokingly. Royce and Aron rushed over to give me a hug but Elliot stopped them.

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