Chapter 16

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"Winter, how about Jacin kills me." I suggested, she shook her head. "No that could get Jacin in trouble." We have been trying to figure out the same thing for 6 months. "What about... a fake fire." I suggested remembering the story of how my mother pushed Levana into a fire when she was young. "Mm... that could work. We should ask Jacin."
  I can't wait, in another 6 months I'll be on Earth. "Oh, I suppose I should introduce you to Crescent. Meet me in my room at noon."
  I know of Doctor Darnel, but his daughter. What will she be like? I know that she's a shell, but other than that I don't know anything about her.
*Knock Knock* "Who is it?"
The door opened slowly, and Winter popped her head out. Then dragged me in, closed the door and locking it.
"Winter what on Luna are you doing?"
"Making sure no one follows us."
"Were in your room."
"What are you wearing?"
"Spy stuff." She took off the silk robe she had on which revealed her black turtle neck, and pants. "You like them, they reminded me of the Earthen spy movies."
"Okay so why are dressing like a spy?" Honestly, what on Earth? "We are going to sneak on Sybil's ship."
"What do you mean sneak on. I thought she was on Luna." Winter laughed, "No silly she's on a satellite soaring through the space." Winter had a dreamy look on her face. "Okay, so what should I wear?" She pulled out a robe, a white t-shirt, and white leggings. "Tada! I found them both." I smiled then put them on. And a few minutes later we were on Sybil's ship, and about to take off.
Hai! Heehee! Just wait!

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