Chapter 19

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I fell asleep for the ride back to Luna, Winter woke me when we got there.
When someone found us we said "Oh, thank goodness you found us. It was horrible first our guards were gone then we ended up on a ship. "Winter hugged me to make it more dramatic, we were simply taken to our rooms.
I couldn't help but smile, I was going to Earth, and I was going to save it too.
I can't wait yet at the same time,-surprisingly- I don't want to go.
A few hours later*
Doctor Darnel is gone! Our plans! Cress! What are we to do!? Okay, calm down, calm down. Okay, we'll just find someone else. Ooh! I have an idea!
Logan Tanner, I believe his name was. I don't really remember, but he was my Mother's doctor, I think. *knock, knock* "it's Winter." She waved.
I took in a deep breathe so I could tell her what has happened. "Doctor Darnel is gone!!! He has been missing for a couple hours now!!!!!! And then I was thinking!!! What about our plans!!!? So!!!!! My Mother's Doctor!!!! I Think? Was Logan Tanner!! And he might help us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" While I was out of breath, Winter went to explaining this all for herself, I could tell by the puzzled look on her face, "That's a great idea!" She looked worried, "Are you okay?"
I nodded, she smiled. "When should we go to ask?" 
"Now." I said eager to go.
Winter nodded her head slowly, "Yeah I don't see why not."

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