Let go it's the hardest thing to do, let go of the fear inside of you, let go and learn to live again. Let go, let peace come in. Let peace come in.

Confused and alone, as you try your best to live, to give but never to you. It's time to take a chance and reach out to those who care, and share your journeys starts when you declare

Let go it's the hardest thing to do, let go of the fear inside of you, let go and learn to live again. Let go, let peace come in. Let peace come in.

You know is not too late, there's so much more to gain. The pain will slowly leave you. Don't wait another day, now is the time for you to start, to find the peace that is in your heart.

Let go it's the hardest thing to do, let go of the fear inside of you, let go and learn to live again. Let go, let peace come in. Let peace come in."

I looked at her from the beginning of the song until the end. I saw the moment when the lyrics started to make sense, I saw when she started to understand the meaning behind the song.

There were tears running down her face by the second verse. and when I sand the part about the pain slowly leaving you, she smiled and nodded a little.

Now that I was done and was just there waiting, I wasn't a pessimist but for a moment I thought that she was going to go back to her room without saying a word, but she came down the stairs.

She stood in front of me looking straight into my eyes. She was so serious that I honestly thought she was going to slapped me or pushed me out the door. Oh crap did I screw this up even more?

But after what felt like hours she smiled, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and jumped on top of me and hugged me.

I lost my balance. I don't know how I managed to remain standing but I did. I was still holding my guitar in a very awkward position to the left side of my body, and holding onto her for dear life with my free hand.

How many days have I dreamt of hugging and holding her? And it was happening now. And the most amazing part of it was that she hugged me first. Well not just hugged, she literally jumped on me and was holding me so hard, like she never wanted to let go. Not that I was complaining. I was on cloud nine. No. Let me rephrase that, I was on cloud one thousand.

My body was on fire. The infamous butterflies in the stomach that people say you are suppose to feel when you are in love? Well that was just a big fat lie because I wasn't feeling butterflies, I was feeling freaking dragons jumping inside my belly, trying to escape and eating my guts out.

When she let go of the embrace it got even better because she actually kisses me. She was kissing me! It started as an innocent kiss, but it got deeper and more intense by the second. I knew we had an audience behind us, one of them being her dad, but I just couldn't stop.

I know she was afraid. I could tell by the little trembling of her lips. She was trying to be brave, overcoming her fears.

I didn't wanted to let go, but when I felt her hands that were now pressed against my chest shaking, I knew that It was time to stop.

Almost grudgingly, I eased up the kiss and just look into her eyes. At first her eyes were closed, but when she opened them I lost it. "You are so beautiful Dani! I look at you and I like you, I look at you again and I like you even more, not just physically, cause you know you are gorgeous and hot and sexy and..." I stopped because she bursted out laughing.

"Besides the physical, what do you like about me? You barely know me." I bit of sadness was making its way into her eyes. I wasn't going to let this perfect moment be spoiled by anything.

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