Chapter 15

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With only 4 more days for the mid presentation of our project, I was starting to get a bit anxious. Danielle was going to show me her two songs and we were going to go from there. I can come up with something good in four days, right? I was starting to doubt myself. Mr. Andrews was extremely anal in his judging criteria.

She told me earlier today that she has written two songs. By the time I went to her home, she was still undecided. And to be honest I was getting inpatient. "Just chose the one that talks more to you. The one that has a special meaning. Remember what we talked about when we started working together."

She looked at the two sheets of papers, "That's the problem. I'm not really feeling one of them, but the other is too personal."

She didn't wanted people knowing too much about her. I could understand that. No one needed to know who wrote the song besides the teacher. But in our case it was pretty obvious. I'm the one that carries a guitar to school on a daily basis.

"Do you want me to help you choose?"

She huffed, "This one, I was writing it thinking about my mother. But I changed course along the way and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me now." she passed me the paper.

She stands next to me, keepin a her safe distance like always. She explained why she wasn't feeling the song.

"Every now and then I get so sad

Cause I miss you since you left me

I'm so disconnected from my life

Sometimes I can't stand the morning light

Cause I miss you since you left me

I'm just a reflection of your heart

In the middle of this night

I want you back

I really need ya..."

" I wrote this Friday night. I think the reason why I was thinking about my mother was because we talked about, remember? You asked me if I missed her, And I couldn't stop thinking about it after you drop me off, but it's too repetitive." she looked over the paper once, " No, this is not the right one. I guess we will have to go with the other one. But I'm kind of freaking out. That other song, I don't know. I think is too much"

She picked the other song. On her way back I noticed that she was fighting an internal battle. Maybe that song was really important to her. And as she said, it was too personal.

After a few seconds of indecision on her part, she passed me the paper. After reading just the first few line I understood why she didn't wanted to use that one. It was too personal.

I was reading it from the paper but then she started to read it out loud. At that, I closed my eyes and got lost on her voice. She was telling a story, not any story, her story.

"Nobody knows, nobody knows but me

That I sometimes cry, if I could pretend that I'm asleep

When my tears start to fall

I peek out from behind these walls

I think nobody knows, nobody knows, no

Nobody likes, nobody likes to lose their inner voice

The one I used to hear before my life made a choice

But I think nobody knows, no no

Nobody knows, no

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