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Will's P.O.V.

A few days after we recorded "Perfect Christmas" with the girls, IM5 released a Christmas track called "Jingle Bell Pop." It had been out on the internet already, one year as a matter of fact. I loved the song because I'd written the entire piece and we actually got to record it. My song. We recorded it. It was amazing, and the studio version was spectacular. Our fans were really excited about it. We went to an ice rink to shoot the video, and the girls came along with us. Tyra was the first one to step out onto the ice. She was having trouble getting her balance, so I skated over to help her.

"Careful," I said. She looked up at me with those amazing brown eyes of hers.

"I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING..." She skated out of my grasp and almost fell again. I rushed over and caught her before her head hit the hard surface.

"...Okay, fine...I might need a little help," she reluctantly mumbled. I just chuckled to myself and helped her back to her feet. Skating in front of her, I took her hands in mine.

"Here, follow my lead," I told her. She nodded in agreement and in no time, we were doing laps. I heard a giggle escape Tyra's lips. Her happiness made me smile...

Dana's P.O.V.

"Come on, Jess! It's fun, I promise." Cole was trying his best to get my girlfriend out on the ice with the rest of us. We all just wanted her to join the fun, but Jess was scared. I walked over to her and put my arm around her.

"I'll be right by your side the whole time."

"What if I fall?"

"I won't let that happen, Baby. I promise."

Finally, Jess agreed to join us all on the condition that I never leave her side. I stepped onto the cold, slippery surface and extended my hand to my girlfriend so she could do the same.

"I'm really scared..." Dalton extended his hand to Jess as well and, taking both of our hands, she stepped onto the ice. Before she could even move, I was behind her, holding her in place.

"See? I promise you, you're safe as long as I'm right here." She smiled and I kissed her neck.

Gabe's P.O.V.

Paula was doing laps around me before I could even stand up.

"Hey, slow down, speed demon," I said mockingly. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Catch me if you can, slow poke!" I skated as fast as I could trying to catch up to my girlfriend, but she was too fast. I decided to disappear in the crowd of other skaters. I watched as she looked around for me, unable to spot me. Carefully, I timed my exit. I waited until Paua was about 20 feet away from the middle of the rink where I was. When she hit the right mark, I skated quickly straight out towards the edge of the rink and slammed right into Paula...or I would've if I hadn't spun her around. Happy accident, I guess.

"GABE, HAHAHA!" She laughed as we fell backwards. I hit the ice, my girl on top of me.

"Owwy," I said in a child-like tone of voice. Paula giggled and flipped over and kissed me.

"Feel better?"

"Much," I remarked as I got to my feet, helping her up with me.

Dalton's P.O.V.


Melissa was excited to hit the ice. I, on the other hand, was less than enthusiastic since I'd just done this with my mom and sisters two days ago.

"Can't I just stay here for a littl- Ohp...Okay, I guess not," I said as I was pulled out on the ice. I stood there, motionless as Aradia and Melissa skated around together for a few minutes. Melissa looked at me, sad that I wasn't exactly having a good time.

"What's the matter, Dalton? Why are you just standing here," my girl asked as she skated over to me. I wasn't sure what to say until she gently took my hand in hers. Playfully, she looked at me and kissed my cheek.

"What, is my badass boyfriend too good for the rink? Come on, Dal. Think you can keep up? I'll  give you a kiss for each time you catch me." I skated over to her and whispered in her ear.

"Where will these kisses be and can I get them when we're alone?" Melissa blushed, smiled and responded.

"Yes you can, and you'll have to tell me later." She winked before pushing me off of her and skating away.

Cole's P.O.V.

Up to this point, I had never ice skated in my life. I was terrified of falling, but I stepped out anyway. I turned around to help Aradia onto the ice, but...she was no where to be found? Where is that girl...When I turned back around, I saw my girlfriend in a legitimate ice skating outfit, tights and all. My jaw hit the rink. Aradia? In something other than long sleeves and jeans??? I thought I'd faint right there!

"Dal..." I grabbed for Dalton so he could confirm for me that I wasn't going crazy or hallucinating. He kind of shook me off, so I shook him until he payed attention.

"DAMNIT, WHAT COLE?" I pointed at Aradia and Dalton gasped. Soon enough, we were all watching this amazing girl I called mine skate effortlessly around the ice. Triple axles, Lutz jumps, salchows...Aradia was a vision. She finally skated over to the rest of us who were all in complete and utter shock.

"What? Hello? Is everyone okay?"

"Aradia, when did you learn to skate like that?"

"Just a hobby, I guess."

I pulled her close to me, holding her gently.

"You're not leaving my side because just like Jessica, I'm terrified of falling."

"No objections here," she giggled as I lost my balance and began to fall. She grabbed me just before my butt hit the frozen ground.

"Haha, I think you need some lessons."

"Only if you'll be the one teaching me," I said seductively. I watched her face turn red.

Me and This Girl (INCOMPLETE BUT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now