Hoping For The Best

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Melissa's P.O.V.

It was the second day of Aradia being in the hospital. We had all gone back to our respective LA apartments, our boyfriends with us. Cole had stayed behind with Aradia at the hospital. His love for her was strong, and we knew she'd be alright as long as he was there.

Feeling better about Aradia, Dalton came back to my apartment with me.

"What do you want to do," he asked me. I tried to smile.

"Let's have a Doctor Who marathon." He went to his backpack.

"I brought some of the older episodes." He put in the made-for-tv movie featuring the eigth doctor. As the story began to dance on the screen, Dalton put his arm around me and held me close. He kissed my forehead, and I nuzzled into his neck.

Paula's P.O.V.

Gabe came back to my apartment and brought over some dvds. He wanted to take my mind off of Aradia. We settled in and I made some popcorn with hot cocoa.

"It's the 1993 Batman Animated Series. It's AWESOME! You're going to love it." He was so excited that I couldn't help but giggle. He pulled out a cape from his pocket and a mask from his backpack. I giggled harder as he put them on. He pulled me close and turned on the show.

"Come here, P-love. You're the Catwoman to my Batman. I love you so much. You know that, right?"

"Of course I do, and I love you, too." I gave him a kiss and whispered in his ear.

"Thank you for helping me feel better."

Jess's P.O.V.

Dana took me out for a walk. He wanted desperately to get my mind off of Aradia. I knew she'd be alright, but I was very worried.

"Hey, Jess. Let's walk down by the water," he said. I grabbed his arm and locked it with mine.

"Sounds wonderful." He walked us down to the beach and we walked barefoot in the sand. I felt every grain as the water splashed up onto our feet. The waves were cold, so I shrieked.

"Awe," Dana chuckled. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Hey, Jess! What's that?" He pointed out at the horizon and I adjusted my stare to see what was out there. Suddenly, I was lifted off my feet.

"Dana, put me down!" I was giggling uncontrollably. He smiled and shook his head 'no.' I started flailing and he finally put me down. Dana grabbed me by the waist and spun me around as the water hit our ankles. We laughed together and walked back home as the sun began to set.

Tyra's P.O.V.


Will was trying to get my mind off of Aradia. He'd brought over a bunch of supplies and we were in the middle of making a cake when I noticed him covered in flour.

"If you keep eating all of the ingredients, we'll never have enough to finish this cake!" He attempted to respond, but his mouth was too full for him to speak. I laughed because his cheeks looked fuller than a chipmunks. He finished chewing and finally spoke.

"I'm still hungry."

"OH MY GOD." I rolled my eyes and threw some flour at him. He gawked before he got a devious look in his eye.

"AAH!" I screamed and ran out of the kitchen. Will caught up with me a few moments later and gently wrestled me to the wall. Holding my arms above me, he kissed me softly.

"Well, that's not in the recipe," I jokingly giggled. He smiled seductively.

"Maybe not, but recipes are so much better when you improvise..."

Me and This Girl (INCOMPLETE BUT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now