Getting Out

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Dana's P.O.V.

We were all hanging out at Gabe's place. It had been a week since Aradia was taken to the emergency room. We hadn't been apart from each other, boys or girls, since she went in. We'd spent almost every moment together, hoping to hear any little piece of new information. Jess was checking twitter on her phone when she started crying.

"Jess, what's wrong," I asked. She pointed at the cellular device and looked up at me.

"People know, Dana. People know she tried to..." She choked up a bit. I pulled her close to me and hummed to her for a few minutes, trying to soothe her.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry."

"They are all sending their well-wishes, but they don't understand. How can I respond to them when I don't understand, either?" She brought up a good point. What would the girls tell their fans? I couldn't even begin to think. All I knew was their management was most likely having a heart attack over this. Just as I was about to say something, Dalton's phone rang.

"I know you want meh.

You know I wantcha.

I know you want meh-eh

You know I wantcha."

"Dalton, who the hell's ringtone is that?" Melissa raised an eyebrow. He sighed and dramatized his answer.

"It's Cole..." He answered and walked over to a corner so he could hear better.

After five minutes, Dalton came back to the group, smiling. We all gathered around him, wondering what could've made him smile so brightly.

"Dalton, what gives??? WHAT DID COLE SAY," Tyra basically screamed. Dalton hesitated a few moments before speaking.

"Aradia's getting discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Author's Note:

I'm sorry it's so short, I just ran out of inspiration. I promise the next one will be much longer!

Me and This Girl (INCOMPLETE BUT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now