Keep Me Safe

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Cole's P.O.V.

It was around 5 PM when it started raining. We all went inside and dried off, getting changed into our second set of clothes; Pajamas, because everyone was spending the night. The sky got dark, so we all gathered into my den and put on a scary movie.

"Dead Silence? Oh, man...I don't think the girls can handle it..." Dalton laughed.

"What's it about?" Melissa smirked at her new boyfriend. I was about to inform her when my own girlfriend recited the familiar, creepy poem...


Beware the stare of Mary Shaw.

She had no children; only dolls,

And if you see her in your dreams,

Be sure you never, EVER scream...

She said it in such a way that shivers were sent down everyone's spine. We were sitting in an awkward, scary silence. Aradia turned on the Blu Ray player and popped in the movie.

Aradia's P.O.V.

I'd creeped everyone out. I felt satisfied with that and turned on the movie. Dalton and I seemed to be the only two who'd seen "Dead Silence" before, so I sat next to him, with Cole on my other side. The movie began.

About halfway through the film, Melissa's face was burried in Dalton's chest, Jess was clinging to Dana for dear life, Tyra and Will had a vice grip on each other, and Paula was curled up in a ball on Gabe's lap. I was sitting normally, but Cole was absolutely terrified. Understandably so; this movie was a pretty freaky one. He kept whispering in my ear things like "Don't worry, everything's going to be fine...We'll be okay, just don't leave me...It's okay to be scared..." I giggled at most of this. Finally, I needed to get up.

"Cole? Cole, let go. I need to go to the bathroom."


"Whatever! I need to pee, Honey! Let me go!"


"COLE!" I got up and started walking down the hall.

Cole's P.O.V.

My girlfriend had gotten up to go to the bathroom during one of the creepiest movies I personally had ever seen, and was currently walking down a hall where my sister's doll collection was on display. I was so afraid for her safety that I almost followed her, but Dalton stopped me.

"It's just a movie, bro." I sat back down and waited for a while. 15 minutes later, Aradia still wasn't back from the bathroom, just down the hall. I paused the movie.

"Aradia? Baby, are you okay?" Nothing. "Aradia? Aradia, where are you?" Silence...DEAD silence. I got up and walked around the corner, Dalton right behind me.

"You said she'd be okay, man!"

"Maybe she's just exploring? Your house is huge, you know."

We walked down to the bathroom, the door to which was wide open. I looked at Dalton with a skeptical face, and he worriedly shrugged.

"We should split up." I shot him an icy glare.

"Do you NOT watch scary movies? NEVER split up." I grabbed his arm and my baseball bat that was resting next to the display case. We walked together a little further down the hall.

"Aradia," I whispered carefully. "Baby, where are you? Are you okay? Answer me, Sweetheart, please?" No responses. I was getting really worried, not to mention completely frightened. We were passing the staircase when we heard a scream from upstairs.

"ARADIA!" I flew up the staircase, Dalton right behind me. When we got to the top, we heard another scream coming from the direction of my room. Dalton and I stayed very close as I brought up my bat into swinging position. I crept up to my bedroom door and signaled Dalton to stay right behind me. As I turned the corner, I saw my girlfriend sprawled out on my bed.

"ARADIA! OH, MY GOD! BABY, ARE YOU- DALTON SHE'S UNCONSCIOUS!!!" He ran in and stopped about three feet behind me. I was smacking her face lightly to try to wake her, but it wasn't working. I turned to face him.

"Dalton, go get the others! We need help!" He ran back out the door. I turned back to empty bed?

"Aradia? How did-" I felt warm breath on the back of my neck and a chill darted up my spine.

"Beware the stare of Mary Shaw..."

Me and This Girl (INCOMPLETE BUT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now