The Truth Hurts

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Dana's P.O.V.

I was dreaming sweetly of my new girlfriend Jess when I woke to sound of whispers in the room. I rolled onto my side to see Gabe and Will. They were in the throws of what looked like one hell of a conversation, so I decided to listen in.

"She's just so melodramatic! I don't know why, but it's really annoying to me. I didn't want to say anything to Cole because I didn't want to crush him."

"Yeah, I get you Will, but there could be a lot of reasons why she acts the way she does. We don't know anything about her personally."

"True, but I wish she would be open with us."

"She's open with me," Cole said in a normal, regular volume voice.


"I've been listening the whole time. There are reasons why Aradia acts the way she does."

"Cole, you have to know she's annoyingly attention-seeking." He hesitated for a while before calming and responding.

"I know. She's just-" We heard pained footsteps run down the hallway. She'd been listening. I looked up at Cole, down and Gabe and then over at Will.

"You guys should really learn to keep your mouths shut sometimes. It's fine to express your opinions, but don't do it when there's a risk of the person you're talking about hearing you." Dalton seemed pretty pissed at the guys. I made the smart decision to not get involved and shut my eyes, drifing back to the place where I dreamt of my sweet Jess.

Dalton's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what they'd done. Whether they were right or wrong, it didn't matter. Aradia was a person, and I was 100% positive I knew what she was going through, so for her to hear those hurtful words spill from their mouths must have killed her...and I was worried she might try to do just that.

"I'm going to check on Aradia. You assholes stay up here. That includes you, Cole." I stepped out of the door and walked after her.

Aradia's P.O.V.

I was beyond hurt. Attention-seeking. Annoying. Melodramatic. These were the words and phrases IM5 used to describe me. They only had wonderful things to say about the rest of my band, but when it came to me, it was all wrong. Why am I such a screw up? It's always me. I'm such an annoying failure. I sat at the bottom of the steps for a few minutes thinking about what a pain in the ass I was to everyone. They'd all be better off without me. It's clear now what I have to do. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Slowly and carefully, I opened the cutlery drawer and pulled out the sharpest knife. I'm going to extract more blood tonight than ever. Walking into the first floor bathroom, I shut the door. I sat on the floor and held the sharp metal to my skin. Deeper than ever, I thought. I couldn't take the hateful feelings I had for my pathetic self anymore. It was time.

I made the first cut. It was really deep. I must've hit a few more veins in my forearm than usual because I bled more than I normally. I watched the blood flow out for a few seconds before I made the second cut. Almost as deep and just as bloody. I felt my emotions pouring out of my eyes and trickling down my face as I made the third and final cut. I held my arm over the tub so I wouldn't dirty Cole's lovely bathroom and watched my life force leave me. A few moments later, the door flew open. I didn't bother turning around. I knew who it was. I cried harder.

"ARADIA!" Dalton ran to me. He grabbed my arm and a towel and held it over my three incisions.

"NO! I WANT TO DIE! I WANT TO DIE!!!" I fought him for a few minutes before I got tired from the loss of blood and went limp in his arms, still crying. His free arm wrapped around me and held me close to him. I felt a warm tear hit my forehead.

"Shh...It's okay, girl. Shh." I kept crying lightly. I still wanted to die, but Dalton was so worried and I didn't want to hurt such a kind soul.

He firmly held my arm with one hand and put his other arm around my waist, walking me out of the bathroom and over to the bottom step of the stairwell. Everyone was standing there staring at me.

"Don't talk to her. Don't look at her. Just leave her alone." Cole tried to talk to me, but I wouldn't listen.

"I want Dalton. He knows what I feel. He understands..." I started crying harder again. They all kept a sharp eye on me while Dalton called an ambulance.

Me and This Girl (INCOMPLETE BUT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now