Meeting and Greeting

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Paula's P.O.V.

Our second performance EVER went off without a single problem. We were so relieved and excited, and we couldn't wait to get to the meet and greet with our fans. IM5 had just gone on stage when we sat down in our seats. To our utter shock, we actually had a line of fans who wanted to meet us! Our seating order was Jess, Me, Tyra, Aradia and Melissa. The first girl was so nervous she was crying.

"Oh, no! Why are you crying, sweety?" Jess was such a kind soul. Gently, she soothed the girl before signing her poster. Passing it me, the girl started tearing up again.

"Awe, come on. I know I'm ugly, but I didn't think I was THAT bad!" She giggled.


"What's your name, honey?"

"Ella," she replied, choking up a little bit. I took the poster and signed it.

"Ella, you are a beautiful girl. Give me a hug?" She was shaking as she wrapped her precious arms around me.

"Want to take a picture together?" She nodded 'yes' excitedly. Her mom took out a camera and snapped a photo. Ella then handed me a gift bag.

"What's this?" She smiled brightly at me.

"Just open it!" I opened the bag and found a brand new soccer ball with a bunch of fans' names written on it. I couldn't believe it.

"I know you love soccer, so I thought I'd make this for you," she said, clearly hoping I would love her present. I did.

"This is the best gift ever, Ella! Thank you! I'm going to put it behind me for now, but watch my instagram later. I'm sure you'll see it there!" She moved on to Tyra who made her smile and cheered her up.

The next fan was CLEARLY a Melissa fan. She had Melissa's name written all over her arms, as well as "Dalissa." It was no secret we girls were dating the boys from IM5. She was cute, and when she got to Melissa, we all nearly had a heart attack. I'm pretty sure Melissa fangirled over the girl just as hard as the girl fangirled over Melissa. There was a lot of jumping...and screaming.

Jess had a fan dress up as her, curly hair and all. Now THAT was cute. She cried so hard over Jessica who comforted the girl as best she could. Finally, Jess took out her phone.

"You are officially on my instagram, sweety!" The girl almost had a meltdown before she got to me. I wiped her tears off of her poster and signed my name, passing it quickly on to Tyra. We were being told to hurry after a while, which meant signing faster and not as much fan interaction. We didn't like that part, but we didn't have a choice.

Tyra's biggest fan showed up, too. Again, dressed as Tyra, the two could've talked for hours on end. Tyra took pictures, and even did a video for youtube.

"Hey, this is Tyra from After Attraction! Hope you had an awesome time here today, and we'll see you next time around! Love ya."

Then there was Aradia's fangirl. She was last in line, and as I was signing her poster, I could see her self-harm scars. I hugged her, and as I did I whispered into her ear.

"I don't know what's going on with you, but you're an amazing person. Please stop hurting yourself." She hugged me tighter.

Aradia must've noticed noticed her scars, too. I watched her rub the girl's wrist, smiling up at her. The girl broke down in tears and Aradia held her close. Kissing her head, Aradia parted ways with the girl. I caught up with my bandmate as we walked back to the cars.

"So what did you say to her?"

"To who," Aradia said naively.

"The last fan in line today. I saw you rubbing her scars and talking to her. Then she broke down."

"I told her she wasn't alone and that if she ever felt the need to cut to talk to me and I would always answer. I told her I've been there, too." I hugged Aradia and linked her arm as we got into the vehicle.

Me and This Girl (INCOMPLETE BUT FINISHED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن