The Waiting Game

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Paula's P.O.V.

I was in shock when we got to the waiting room. Had she really attempted to take her life? I really hadn't known she was in such a bad way. She'd been so perky lately...All I knew was my friend was possibly dying in a hospital and I was scared of losing her. I felt two arms wrap around me. Tears fell from my face as Gabe held me tightly.

"She's going to be alright, Baby." He placed his hand on my head and I cried harder. What if Aradia had cut deep enough? What if she wasn't coming back? What if one of my best friends was gone? I burried my face in my boyfriend's chest and sobbed softly. The doors opened to the emergency room and Cole walked out. He wiped his own tears and told us to follow him.

We walked back inside the ER and followed Cole to room six. We all followed behind the transporter as Aradia was wheeled up to her room. Gabe pulled me close and kissed my forehead lightly. When we got to the room, we were asked to stay outside while the nurses got her settled. The other girls were crying into their boyfriends shoulders, hoping our friend would be alright. Finally, we were allowed in to see her.

Aradia was still unresponsive. She was hooked up to the monitors which beeped steadily in time with her heart rate. On her face was oxygen tubing. She looked so pale...I was so worried. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't think. All I knew in that moment was my friend had tried to kill herself and I was standing at her bedside wondering if she'd succeeded or not.

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