Chapter Twenty-one

Start from the beginning

Suddenly President Snow is no longer on screen but Coin is. She introduces herself to Panem, identifying herself as the leader of the rebellion. Then proceeding with an eulogy for Katniss, the Mockingjay.

"Dead or alive, Katniss Everdeen will remain the face of this rebellion. If ever you waver in your resolve, think of the Mockingjay, and in her you will find the strength you need to rid Panem of its oppressors," Coin says.

"I had no idea how much I meant to her," Katniss says, sarcasm in her voice.

A photo of Katniss graces the screen, flames flickering behind her. The screen returns to Snow.

"Tomorrow morning, when we pull Katniss Everdeen's body from the ashes, we will see exactly who the Mockingjay is. A dead girl who could save no one, not even herself."

The seal, anthem, and then darkness. Now wasn't that a touching ending thought. Such a great way to talk to your citizens. I'm sure he's quite the role model.

"Except that you won't find her," Finnick says to the TV.

"We can get a head start on them at least," Katniss says.

She pulls out the Holo and has Jackson talk her through basic commands of the device. The map that is currently pulled up of our surrounding covered in blinking lights of pods.

"Any ideas?" Katniss questions.

"Why don't we start by ruling our possibilities," Finnick suggests. "The street is not a possibility."

"The rooftops are just as bad as the street," chimes a soldier.

'We still might have a chance to withdraw, go back the way we came. But that would mean a failed mission," says another.

"It was never intended for all of us to go forward. You just had the misfortune to be with me," Katniss says.

"Well, that's a moot point. We're with you now," Jackson says. "So, we can't stay put. We can't move up. We can't move laterally. I think that just leaves one option."

"Underground," Gale says.

Katniss turns the map to show the underground. Tunnels turning every which way appear. However, the pods are less numerous. It's our best chance at survival.


A few doors down, a tube connects our row of apartments to the tunnels below. In order to reach the tube, we need to squeeze our way through a maintenance shaft that runs the length of the building. Entering the shaft via the second floor closet is the way we will go.

"Okay, then. Let's make it look like we've never been here," Katniss says. All signs of our presence in this building gone. The cans we've emptied are disposed of and the cans that are unopened are stashed in our packs for later. The group gathers around me.

"I'm not going. I'll either disclose your position of hurt someone else," I say, refusing to move from the blue sofa. Why won't they just leave me behind? They have a better chance of escaping if they leave me.

"Snow's people will find you," Finnick says.

"Then leave me a pill. I'll only take it if I have to," I argue.

"That's not an option. Come along," Jackson says.

"Or you'll what? Shoot me?" I question.

"We'll knock you out and drag you with us," A soldier says. "Which will both slow us down and endanger us."

"Stop being noble! I don't care if I die!" I shout. I turn to Katniss. "Katniss, please. Don't you see, I want to be out of this?"

She looks into my eyes, hesitating. "We're wasting time," she decides. "Are you coming voluntarily or do we knock you out?"

Mockingjay: Peeta's POVWhere stories live. Discover now