Kino - {Let's Dance}

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*He'll come I know so.*

*He wouldn't embarrass me like this...*


All eyes were on me while the whispers around only got louder in my ears. The waitress had already come to ask more than five times if i'd like to order. I simply said no and just kept taking small sips of my iced tea.

He said 4 o'clock but it's already five thirty. It was only an hour and a half. Maybe there was traffic.

Looking out the window I noticed there were barely cars on the road.

I honestly should've known better when he started drifting away. He was distant with me and started less to me. It came to a point where he was longer affectionate with me. What had I done wrong..?

It would be super awkward to just sit here so I pulled out my phone and looked through it looking to stay distracted.

Another thirty minutes passed so I just decided to call it quits and leave. I didn't want to embarrass myself any further or be the talk of the restaurant anymore.

Grabbing my bag and coat I stood up to leave but suddenly a guy I've never seen or met before sat in front of me blurting out an explanation as to why he was late.

"Hey babe, I'm so sorry I'm late, but man traffic was crazy! There was this huge ass accident and the car was flipped over! It was crazy!" He said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Im Kino. Just go with it, okay? Whoever decided not to show up is a dick to stand up a girl like you." He added quietly

Completely shocked I just nodded and slowly sat back down.

He had such a nice build. Wearing a simple white dress shirt with a few buttons undone along his sleeves rolled up which revealed the veins popping out of his arms. His chocolate hair was tousled.

We clicked instantly.

He's looks and personality were just plain amazing.

Kino told me about how he loved dancing and choreographing his own dances. He also told me about how he liked working with music.

We stayed ordering food and a few cups of coffee until the restaurant closed and kicked us out.

Stepping out the restaurant doors, the chilly air hit me instantly making shiver and throw my coat on. I noticed him nervously smiling down at his feet before turning us gaze back up to me.

"I didn't think I'd ever instantly click with someone like that. You're beautiful, funny, and fun to be around." Sticking his hand in his pocket he bit his Lip and ruffled his hair. "Do you think I can see you again?"

*he's so cute* I thought letting out a small laugh.

"Of course i'd loved to see you again Kino." Getting on my tippy toes, I reached up and placed a peck on his cheek surprising him.

I knew I walked off with the biggest smile plastered on my face.

A few months passed and since then we'd gone on lots of dates together. One day I decided to go visit him at dance studio he was at practicing. He worked super hard even staying overnight dancing till he felt satisfied with the result.

I knew he'd pulled an all nighter again so I packed a small lunch for him.

Coming closer to the practice room, I noticed him moving in sync with the beat of the music. Entering, the music boomed loudly in my ears. Sweat was dripping down his face on to his now wet t-shirt.

Walking over to the stereo he paused the music and greeted me with a huge smile.

"There's my princess. I'd hug you but I'm all sweaty." He said waving at me. "This studio has a bathroom so I can shower so I'll be back." While he showered I decided to put out the food I'd prepared on the table for him.

I was placing down the container of sandwiches when he came in with a towel in hand drying his hair.

"Is that for me?" He curiously asked quickly reaching over to take a bite of the grilled chicken panini.

"How is it?" I nervously asked playing with the hem of my cardigan.

"It's amazing! Looks like my lazy princess can cook after all." He laughed while I playfully smacked his arm.

"Here I've been working on this dance routine and I want to try it with you." Taking one last bite of his sandwich he wiped his mouth standing up and extending his hand out to me.

"Oh no I can't dance for my life and you know it kino." I began to walk away when he laced his arm around my waist pulling me into his chest. He was looking down at me with such a seductive and lustful look when the slow r&b music played in the background.

"Just feel the music and I'll guide you." He said beginning to twirl me.

We were both out of breath now laying on the ground with him on top of me. The music slowly ended while we just stared into each other's eyes. Lifting my chin up slowly, he bought our faces closer together for a kiss. He caressed my cheek entangling his fingers in my hair letting me have a taste of his passionate kiss.

"How was that? Do you want to try another dance babe?" He asked smirking at your now reddened face. 

✨K-pop one shots ✨♖Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora