L.joe {missed you}

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"I'm sorry but I can't do anything about it." He spoke his voice cracking. "But why are you leaving so suddenly I thought we were friends how can you just leave me like that?" I shouted back as tears threatened to fall. "I'm sorry." He said Turning away and walking away from my life. I never saw him again after that day...

2 Years later
"Remember to call if you need anything honey." My mom said hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead. "Come one honey your suffocating the poor girl." My dad said prying my mom off my body.

"Bye guys!" I waved to my parents as the closed the door behind them. "It's going to be a long night." I put a box down looking to the few piles of boxes. I decided to go out and buy food since I hadn't eaten all day.  As I was waking the stairs up to my apartment I saw my neighbor across from me walk into his apartment.

*I'm going to have to introduce myself eventually.* I thought entering my apartment. I decided on saying hi the next morning with some homemade cookies. I mean who doesn't like cookies?
I woke up a bit early and baked some chocolate chip cookies. I loved baking my new job, which was near my place was a bakery. *Okay you can do this* I gave my self mental pep talk as I stood outside the strangers door with a hot plate of cookies in hand.

I knocked a few times before I decided to give up. *maybe he's not home.* I was about to walk away when the door creaked open. I turned around only to see a super handsome pink haired guy with a hot body wearing nothing but sweats sagging a little. Jesus was he was gorgeous.

I slipped out of my thoughts when I took a closer look I instantly recognized him. "L.joe?!" I said. He ruffled his hair as his eyes widened. "Rose?" He rubbed his eyes. I dropped the plate of cookies in my hands. It was really him I can't believe it. After all this time?!

"Y-you've changed a lot." I spoke nervously. "Oh you mean my hair? There was a mix up at the shop and they dyed my hair pink." He laughed nervously. "Look Rosalie I'm really sorry about what happened." "Don't. You had your reasons. We all do." A tear slipped out of my eye. Damn it.

"I know but I hurt you." He wiped my tear. "I don't want to see you cry because of me." He pulled me in for a strong hug. "So you can hit and cuss at me all you want." He spoke caressing my hair as I sobbed into his chest. "Your a jerk." I sobbed. "I know I am."

Pulling me close he led me inside his apartment sitting me down on a vanilla colored couch. He went over to the kitchen grabbing two mugs as he filled them with coffee. "Drink this. It'll help you calm down." He said sitting next to me as he slipped a white sweater on. "I missed you." I stated at me lap. I suddenly heard thunder rumbling as dark clouds started to draw in.

"Rose you have to understand. I had to leave it was to protect you from me." He said. My heart pounded in my chest. I thought the storm in my heart had faded along with my feelings a long time ago. Guess not. "What do you mean protect me from you?" "No I- what I meant was I-." He ruffled his hair in frustration. "L.joe talk to me. Since I met you in High school you've always keep secrets from me. We promised as best friends to never keep secrets. You broke that promise a long time ago." I placed my hand on my chest. Tears couldn't stop flowing out of my eyes.

"My feelings for you grew to be more than friends." He placed his mug down on the table. "But now that your here again before me I can't hold back anymore." We locked eyes. He moved closer cupping my face lacing his fingers in my hair. "I love you rose." Taking my lips in his he slipped his tongue in exploring every part of my mouth. His kiss was full of hunger and desire. "But you have to leave this place. It's not safe." He said pulling away. "What? I'm so tired of your secrets. Just what's going on in your life l.joe?"

Suddenly I heard banging and kicking against his door. "Fuck! They're here already." He whispered. L.joe led me to a tall dark closet and pushed me in. "No matter what happens don't come out Okay!? Don't say a word." He kissed my forehead before closing the big doors. I heard yelling more kicking and then a gun shot. *L.joe!!* I thought covering my mouth. As soon as I heard his front door close I ran out only to see him laying on the floor.

"L.Joe!!! Omg! What happen what did they do this to you." I cried touching his bruised face. "You need to leave." He groaned holding his wounded rib. "Are you crazy?! I- I need to call an ambulance." I reached for my phone but he snatched it away. "Listen to me." He coughed. "Live a happy life rose, with someone who will love you forever." He breathed heavily reaching up placing his hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry." His hand fell to his side as he closed his eyes.

"L.joe? L.joe?!!!!" I yelled gently slapping his lifeless body. "I'm sorry." I cried placing my head on his chest. "I should've told you sooner but I love you too." I sobbed. I had dreamed to see him again some day. Maybe we just weren't meant to be.....

He guys!!! This one was kinda sad. I write what I'm feeling most of the time and this was the product hehe. I hope you liked it and remember to vote and request a one shot!!'😁💖😘

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