T.K {Mr. Winkey}

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"Gosh I'm gonna be late and on my first day too!!!" I yelled at myself running towards the front door with my bag and car keys in hand. My first day as a stylist and I was already screwing up.

I arrived panting at the entrance of Yedang Entertainment scanning my company card and running towards the make up rooms. "IM HERE IM HERE!" I yelled waving my hands in the air. "Is she high?" I heard someone say.
*great I'm late and now I'm embarrassed. Way to play it cool.*

"Okay everyone C-clown will be here in any minute to do their make up for the shoot!" I heard our manager say.
As I moved my way to my station six handsome tall boys walked in. I could've sworn one winked at me. Am I hallucinating!? One of the made their way towards me sitting on the chair. It was Mr. Winkey.

His hair looked like he had come out fresh from a shower. Gosh his jet black hair. "Um I'll start with the BB cream." I said picking up a brush applying the BB cream to his handsome face. He kept staring at me and it made me nervous. Like was I some cheesecake to be stared at?
"It's your first day isn't it?" He spoke up. "Yes actually, but how'd you know?" "You seem really nervous." He chuckled.

*Crap was it that noticeable?*

"Yes it's that noticeable." He said now laughing. "Ho-" "you said it out loud." I stared at him dumbfounded. "Your funny. Your beautiful too." He smiled. I had green eyes and curly hair which were kinda rare here in Korea. I always got compliments but his made me shiver and sweat.

"C-clown on standby!!"
"I have to go. It was nice meeting you." He said as I finished last touches on his face. He smiled and waved at me walking off with his members.
I didn't see him for the rest of the afternoon.

It was almost 7:30 which meant only one hour till I could go home. "Hey newbie!" A stylist called. "Go put this in the storage room then you can go home." She said handing me a box of BB creams and other various makeup.
"Good job today." She patted me in the back as I made my way down the empty hall.

I was humming along to c-clowns solo. I had to admit it was catchy. I kept waking till I bumped into someone as the box full of creams launched into the air falling on top of me splashing on to me. Guess they didn't close them up properly. "Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry." I heard a male voice say. "Are you okay?" "Does it look like I'm okay? I have BB creams all on my hair and face. I can't even see!" "Okay calm down here." He took me by the hand as he led me to some unknown place

He led me into a room and I heard a sink run and a wet towel hit my face cleaning me off. After he was finished I opened my eyes. "It's Mr. Winkey!!" I pointed. "Who?" He smiled. "Is that my nickname? Anyway my name is T.K." He put the towel on my head and extended his hand to me. I hesitated but I shook it and smiled. He wasn't a bad guy after all.

Magical time skip~ [hehe]
"OMG ROME OPPA HAVE MY BABIES!!!" "HIS SWEAT IS DRIPPING ON ME LIKE HOLY WATER!" The fangirls screamed as c-clown preformed their last performance as they were wrapping up promotions on their current album. I enjoyed it backstage since T.k invited me and gave me a backstage pass. We somehow practically became best of friends even though I didn't see him that way.

The boys all headed out on their way back to the company. I tagged along since t.k insisted and I also had to get my things. "Did you like it?" T.k asked wiping sweat off his face as we walked into the practice room. "It was great! I'd actually like to learn the dance." I smiled. "Well then let's get to it." "Wait what? No no wait I was kidding!"

I had given up after the first try. It was impossible, I couldn't do it. How the hell did these guys pull off these dance moves? "It's too hard I quit." I turned around ready to walk out when I felt someone slide their arm around my waist. T.k pulled me close to his body turning me to face the gigantic mirror.

"Like this." He guided me to the rhythm of the music. As the song ended he rapidly turned me around and making me face him. We were both panting sweat traveling down our necks. "I think I should go." I whispered. I practically could feel his lips touch mine. He cupped my face in his hand.

"You know I've been holding back right." His deep husky voice said. He's never been this way. He kissed my forehead then my neck. "Yes Mr.Winkey." I smiled pecking his lips.
"You ruined the moment!" He burst out laughing. "How? What are you talking about?" I chuckled. He picked me up and spun me around. "Sure act all innocent, but just so you know I'll always be your Mr. Winkey." He smiled hugging me tight.

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