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My morning classes seemed to rush by and I didn't seem to notice, or care. My only thoughts all day was about Matt and the heart shattering look he gave me just before he left. I hadn't seen him all day, not even the mist of girls that always seemed to be behind him were in the same place.

"What the hell is up with you today, Kitty Kat?" Meagan said, scaring me out of my skin.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I said, slamming my locker door. She grabbed my arm and spun me towards her.

"It's not nothing. You look as if you were hit by a truck, and you've been very stand-offish, well more than usual, anyways. Come on Kat, I'm your best friend. If you can't tell me than who could you tell?"

I debated telling her about my crazy night last night. Deciding against it I made up a lie that was very believable. "Nothing just thinking about my dad all day that's all."

"Oh," Meagan said, looking at her feet. I hated when people got like this when I talked about my dad. They all felt sorry for me, that's why I stopped talking to most people in my school because they all gave me the same damned look of empathy. "Look Kat, he'll come back someday. I can feel it."

Meagan claims herself to be a psychic. That's actually how we became best friends. My dog had ran away one summer when we were little and I ended up on her street corner, sobbing, looking for my lost dog. She came up to me in a goofy looking gypsy outfit.

"You will find what you are looking for, I can feel it in my senses, no need to cry." She had said, waving her stubby fingers at me with tons of rings on. And she was right because when I got home that night, there was my dog laying on my front porch. I was so happy. Too bad the next day that same dog was hit by a car. He wasn't very bright. But still, she had predicted my dog would come back.

Pulling myself back from the memory, I smiled at my loving friend. "I sure hope so Meg, I sure hope so."

Wrapping her slender arms around me she pulled me along, heading for the exit. "Come on, you need a good party, and I need a good guy to make out with all night."

Groaning I let her drag me along. "No way, Meg. Last time we went to a party you ended up making out with a guy all night long and what did I do? I sat in the corner and drank punch the whole night... well until they started spiking it."

"I promise I will find you someone to talk to before I start making out with someone this time."

"Fine, but I swear if I'm there alone for one moment, I'm leaving your skinny little ass at that party and whoever your making out with can take you home."

"Agreed." She said, skipping to my car.

"Where are we going, anyway?" I asked as we hopped into my car.

"That new little club in town."

"You mean the one that only twelve-year-olds seem to go to?"

"No, no, no. Not that one. The new one with all the extremely hot guys seem to go to. You would know, if you actually got your cute little head out of a book sometime and actually talked to the people around you." She said reapplying her cherry red lipstick probably for the millionth time that day. I hate to admit it, but my best friend was almost like a female version of Matt.

"Ugh, please tell me now how much I'm going to hate this shit hole full of used condoms and teenage hormones."

"Good spirit, Miss optimistic. Hey here's a thought, try to have fun and it wont be so lame tonight. M'kay?"

I wacked her on the shoulder as I sped towards the club. Parking in the all too crowded parking lot, I headed inside the club called Storm. More like a storm of herpes, I thought walking into the pulsating room. Meagan gave me an excited look as she pulled me towards the dance floor. She danced, I awkwardly moved my hips from side to side, until a guy came up behind her, and all her attention left from me and straight onto the new muscular hunk of a man she'll fawn over for two hours.

Sitting down at the "bar." I ordered a virgin strawberry daiquiri (like they would serve anything else at a club for teenagers).

The very tatted up guy behind the bar grunted and began to make my drink. He slid it towards me. I pulled out my cash from my pocket, but he raised his hand. "No need. Already paid for by the guy at the end of the bar."

I glanced down at the end of the bar, and low and behold! It was Matt, sitting there head hung down, looking like the most beautiful, sad man in the world. My heart broke for him. But I couldn't try and help him because it would only hurt him more. The best thing for me to do is just to walk away from the bar, find Meg, and leave as quickly as possible.

Weaving my way through the crowd, I spotted Meg dancing with the same guy.

"Meg," I shouted over the roaring music. She glanced at me and shook her head. "No, now!"

She obediently came to my side. "What? What is it? I'm trying to-"

I cut her off. "Yes, I know what your trying to do but can we please leave now."

"But we-"

"I don't care, Meg. We need to leave now." My best friend finally started to notice the distress on my face. I took her hand and made my way towards the door we came in.

I felt a hard body slam into mine as I was pinned against the wall. "Kat, please." Matt whispered. Resting his forehead against mine. "Please, all I can think is about you. Please be with me." I glanced at my friend standing beside us with shock written all over her face.

"Matt, we can't and I-" He shut me up with a long gently kiss, running his large hands through my hair.

He pulled away from my lips and set me down on the floor, keeping his hands in my hair. "Uh-oh." He said.

"What uh-oh?" I asked in confusion.

"We've got company."

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